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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023


  • its for cutscenes. because without it, you get situations that happen a lot on underpowered devices (e.g the switch) where when you DO hit a cutscene, something looks very low res and low detailed because it was designed to be looked from afar with low performamce impact. It draws away from the immersion factor.

    a common situation are games on mobile that are also playable on console/pc (e.g some gacha rpgs). Some character models use texture normal maps and not physical 3d models, so when you look at them zoomed up, it looks really off.

  • What distro, and did you use official methods or something random from the internet?

    Ubuntu, for a computer engineering project

    As far as I remember, that whole Linus does Linux series was widely ridiculed in the Linux community. Like he didn’t even read the prompts before spamming y

    hence part user error, but what was not user error was there was like a week period where a bad version of steam was put up, which was what caused the problem in the first place. Having a non working version of steam was more on the maintainer end and not the user end, and looking for alternatives to get it working is 100% a new user would do, what was user negligence was the part of accepting that he was going to make distro breaking changes. Hence while ultimately his fault, it was caused by a situation completely not his fault, and he initially acted in a way most users would, which is google for workarounds.

  • ove seen it one time forst hand and not directly but indirectly second hand. first hand time ive first seen it was actually related to OPish, had friends who needed Nvidia drivers installed for compute(non gaming), borked their distro.

    second hand indirect one was the meme moment Linus (tech tips) borked his installation of Pop OS (over Ubuntu) because there was a tiny window period where popos really had a borked version of steam that wouldnt function, and borked it by trying to install steam in a very roundabout way he found online (something a perspn learning to use linux would do often).that situation was only caused by a combination of specific timings and some user negligence

  • Arch tends to be close, because it is a bleeding edge type of rolling update model, so any fixes would come to Arch faster than more LTS options.

    Some distros like Nobara liek you mention have it built in, Pop OS is another. Different distros will prioritize different aspects and that how itll fundamentally be.

    Linux is a game of knowing which distro fits your usecase, the less offending hardware you use, the easier the choices are. take for example those who use bleeding edge hardware might not like the out of the box experience on LTS based distros that take awhile to push something to kernel.

  • reminder that Edgeworth was originally supposed to br a 36 year old prosecutor vet, but changed to be the same age as Phoenix when Kumiko Suekane pushed for it (who is also a known Yaoi Artist).

    also conveniently in Spirit of Justice, Trucy Wright (Phoenix’s adopted daughter) treats Edgeworth like a Dad.

  • i wouldnt say im an expert at it as ive only had my media server for a month now, but how i approached making it user friendly was buying a domain name, and using a cloudflare tunnel to link your ip addresses/port to a subdomain.domain combination.

    e.g i have overseer accessible by overseerr.domainname.extention and have it linked to the servers ipadress and port number. if i wanted to add another one, i would for example add a new subdomain and do the same (e.g plex.domainname.extention and point it to the correct ip/port combo)

    although this has the cost of owning a domain, it doesnt require you to open a port so its better for security reasons

  • Dudewitbow@lemmy.zipto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    4 months ago

    its not exactly as easy as it sounds, as if youre in a different party (e.g no party preference) you have to make a follow up request for another ballot of another party. the ballot doesnt get mailed in with the initial ballot. its effectively block anyone wanting the easy way to do it, over the mail at the least.

  • this sounds like the most fanboy pilled post. seriously its just an emulator, i dont even thing thr main userbases of ryujinx and yuzu are antagonistic against each other, as each had a completely different philosophy on what to prioritize.

    take for example, intel and amd users couldnt use ryujinx for the longest time because it took ages for ryujinx to pick up the vulkan backend, defaulting to opengl, which only nvidia until the past few years, performed well in.

  • prpgrams basically use it for authentication, it has other uses too, but is effectively a tool to verify if the computer is the correct person, as no other device would be capable of immitating and create the message they sent. because of that, its effectively a hardware ID, attached to the tpm module, or more commonly for consumers, the CPU.

    banning said device would effectively be a hardware ban. which would be used by compeotitive online games to dissuade cheaters an evergrowing problem with lack of solutions.

  • it’s working in the sense that i slows it down. However how denuvo works is that there are usually are generations of denuvo that get cracked, so once one gets cracked in a generation, theres a handful that will be cracked with it. if a company is using an older generation of denuvo, you may typically see day 1 cracks, which ultimately means the company paid denuvo for nothing, but the point is, denuvo wasn’t meant to stop piracy first, it was meant to appease investors that require denuvo to be implemented.