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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Yes.

    Anyone who says differently is confusing “necessity” with “efficiency”.

    When I first started in Linux I rarely used the command line at all. But as time went on and I became more familiar, I found that there were some things that were simply faster to do in the command line.

    I can’t think of a single “everyday regular user task” than needs the command line, tbh.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.caOPtoKDE & Plasma users@lemmy.mlMinimal Menu?
    2 months ago

    Yeah. I use Krunner quite a bit myself. I have two monitors, so if I have a program running on one and I need to do something like bring up a browser or something in the other one, I just move the move to the right and start typing. It’s great. Maybe I need to get into the habit of using it for my main launcher…

    In the meantime I found the Andromeda Launcher, which at least allows me to centre it. It’s a little gaudy for my taste, but oh well. It’ll do until I apparently teach myself to fork Minimal Menu.

  • Adderbox76@lemmy.caOPtoKDE & Plasma users@lemmy.mlMinimal Menu?
    2 months ago

    Yeah. I had tried Simple Menu as well. It suffers from the “can’t centre it in the display” thing for me. And it says “unsupported” when I try to launch it as well. At least hopefully it has the possibility of being updated.

    In the meantime…ugh. Thanks anyway. Might be time to start looking elsewhere design-wise, but I can’t stand Gnome or its derivatives. literally the only thing I don’t like from KDE is it’s application launchers. This really really sucks, personally.

  • I’ve said for years that the very last power we have as consumers is the ability to turn off our internet and still be able to use our devices. That is my minimum expectation of any company.

    Fridge needs an internet connection, fuck you. TV won’t work unless it’s connected to the internet, fuck you.

    But most especially (and this is why I moved to Linux originally), computer needs to always be connected to the internet even if all I’m doing is opening an office program that has nothing to do online? Go fuck yourself.

    The ability to unplug my ethernet cable and still be able to use 99% of my computer with the exception of email and a web browser is the absolutely most basic human right left to us.

  • The fact that “Dash to Dock” isn’t built in because Gnome is going all in on the ridiculous minimalist tablet like interface is seriously one of the things that makes me uninstall it after five minutes every time I’ve tried to give it a shot.

    I’m running a desktop with two 32 inch monitors, not a frickin’ tablet. The reason traditional desktop interfaces have survived for so long is because they work, dammit. I shouldn’t have to click into an app drawer every time I want to run an often used app just because some developer thinks they should look like a tablet.

    /end rant

  • GIMP has its share of issues, just like any other software. but it’s biggest issue is that somewhere down the line general users got this idea in their head that it was supposed to be a Photoshop clone.

    So they go into it with certain expectations and then get frustrated when it doesn’t work that way. People like me, who actually learned GIMP before PS, obviously didn’t go in with the same bias and therefore have a much better grasp on it.

    Gimp is not a Photoshop clone. it’s its own piece of kit with it’s own design and feature decisions that some may like and others may not. That’s life. The developers have no obligation to follow any other software design scheme any more than Sony is obligated to follow LGs TV UI. They’re not clones, they’re alternatives.

    if you think Gimps only function is to copy Photoshop, you’re in for a bad time. If you want to use gimp as an ALTERNATIVE and go in without the bias, you’ll likely learn your way around a LOT faster.

    I’m not excusing Gimps failings. far from it. but I AM saying that half the issue is the Photoshop users thinking that gimp only exists to copy everything from their precious Adobe daddy. And that’s simply not true.

  • For me it was hardware ethics.

    Spending thousands every couple of years because a marketing department tells you your old device is suddenly shit just doesn’t sit well with me.

    I’ve used the same $400 dollar phone for three years now, keeping it updated with lineageOS. And I’ve kept my trusty 6 year old editing desktop relatively capable with routine part upgrades and Linux.

    Our entire economic system is based on making people buy new shit as often as possible, and that’s so ridiculously unsustainable it’s insane most people just put up with it so long as they can keep their nose down watching tiktok.