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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m not talking in general hypotheticals, The comment was made under a vox populi segment, where a woman wanted to “end welfare” so the government would have more money for “her food stamps”. And when the interviewer told her those are the same thing, she went into a rant about how she’s not letting welfare queens get her money when she can’t afford to feed her kids. In other words, she was so panicked and desperate she was unable to see the bigger picture, and reacted with hostility. The parallel is kinda stark. The start of this thread was “honestly, both choices are bad, Americans should have a better option” and your response was to rant about people against the wall.

    I am not arguing both parties are equally bad. I am not saying voting is foolish. I made no argument about voting. I am not the having that conversation with you, your brainworms are. You are now on comment 3, and you still think I’m talking about the 2024 election. I’m not. I, and hopefully the rest of non-Americans in this thread, are making a broader point about the overall trajectory of US politics, which is that it’s not looking good.

    Consider, for example: Why do the evil aliens have to be the same? Why can’t one of the evil aliens be worse than the other? Maybe Kang instituted a 4-day workweek. Maybe Kang offered free healthcare. Maybe Kang is vegan, and Kodos eats kids. In this case, it would be entirely justified to vote for Kang, since he is by far the better option compared to Kodos. But the joke would still work, unchanged, because the setup for the punchline is “why are we building a death ray?”. I act like you’re unhinged because you answer “Why the death ray?” with “Kodos is a fascist!”.

  • Their issue is that US politics gives you brainworms. “I voted for Kodos” was already a joke in 1996, and as the argument gets less and less convincing the advocacy will get more and more unhinged.

    I’m vaguely reminded about a comment I read about the poorest Americans voting for tax cuts and against welfare: The argument is that they were so immiserated that they’re grasping for any straw offered; And if you try and get them to stop and think about what they’re doing, they start ranting at you, because they don’t have time for debate and game theory, they’re barely threading water as is, they need help now.