• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Maybe it’s just me but I also feel like the reddit results that show up also seem to be getting worse. Used to be the case that I could input a query, add “Reddit” to the end, and immediately get one or two concise, helpful answers, but I’m very frequently getting fluff and having to check 5 or 6 down these days for similar questions.

  • Forgive me if, when presented with the trolley problem and the person on track b would die anyways if I did not pull the lever, if I pulled that lever instead of ignoring everything and/or jumping off a cliff. The political situation is bleak here, and the machine is designed to keep Americans placated, disenfranchised, and generally apathetic. We don’t have coalition voting. We don’t have ranked choice, and it’s even banned in certain states! If there’s a proper alternative to Biden in this country, that information has to be disseminated to hundreds of millions and convince them to change their vote. It’s possible that someone could come along but they’d have to work fast I sure as hell don’t see anyone with that kind of rallying power. Do you have any suggestions on who I should vote for?.. Because my choice is first and foremost in the interest of overall harm reduction in whatever practical terms that can actually be accomplished in this country.

    Declining to vote in this system is, effectively, silently endorsing whoever gets in; it signals that you’re ok with everything, or at least it gets interpreted that way by politicians 100x more than any sort of “protest” effect you think not voting will achieve. Literally if you don’t vote for a politician why should they care what the fuck you think? One party doesn’t even want us voting at all because it means they can give less of a fuck about us! Frankly, I don’t want to see the orange man in office again, and he will be worse than even self-professed Zionist Joe on matters pertaining to the rest of the world. Again, I’m open to an alternative if you can give me one that’s not sticking my head in the sand or some fetishistic “revolution” way too many people pine for without having a single ounce of solidarity in their real lives.

  • YouTube Kids is/was notorious for having awful content that’s often the laziest, lowest effort product that kids will sit through (aka the most obnoxious combination of repetitive sound effects and visuals you can imagine), propaganda trying to get em while they’re young, or some combination of both. Unfortunately a lot of people let their kids have unfettered access to it because it’s the only way they can get them to be relatively quiet and preoccupied for 30 minutes… Partially because algorithm-driven tech is like crack to brains, especially developing ones.

    There was a whole thing about YouTube kids being filled with content about Spider-Man impregnating Elsa, there being lots of unhealthy portrayals of relationships as normal such as abusive dynamics between Mickey and Minnie mouse, and generally weird/inappropriate content featuring poo, pee, farts, stinky feet, blood and needles, or whatever else content mills thought they could get kids to click on. Most of these channels popped up because YouTube showed ads to kids at the time and it was some of the most lucrative revenue streams to be found on the platform for the effort required—kids will watch almost anything after all.

    There were so many bots making algorithmically generated sludge to put in front of kids that it was literally too much to go through and curate out… Everything was getting infinitely re-uploaded across hundreds of channels to the point where if you let a kid watch YouTube on auto play, they’d be all but guaranteed to run into that sort of content eventually and get kind of sucked into it like a vortex.

    It was known as ElsaGate and, in classic fashion, a lot of the legitimate issues people took with the situation also got bundled up with weird New World Order/right wing conspiracy type shit. As is known to happen.

    YouTube is still as described above with kids content to a degree, but the company has taken a bare minimum effort to make those videos more difficult to monetize (and also taking anything vaguely kid-approximating down with it… Lots of animation aimed at an adult audience also gets flagged as for kids all the time).

    I have a very young brother who had an obsession with Siren Head at one point from watching YouTube kids for who knows how many hours. My mom even asked at one point if I could make a video of Siren Head using the toilet as a potty training aid for him. I did not end up making the video but that’s a little beside the point.

    Anyways there’s also a non-zero number of kids out there named Elsa by their parents. Yay Disney parents!

  • I understand the sentiment but there’s a lot in the image that’s arguably gender essentialist and/or not accurate.

    Some thoughts:

    Titties. Self-explanatory

    Indeed they are, but they’re not a necessary condition to being a woman.

    Decimate your fapping addiction

    I think my main issue is the implicit assumption that the viewer has such an addiction to begin with. Also estrogen has ways of compensating for a lowered libido, such as a reduced/eliminated refractory period (of course ymmv). Source: guess ;p

    Ability to wear adorable clothes

    Boys can do this too!

    ditch your angry, masculine mannerisms

    This kind of just assumes that men have angry mannerisms, and is what I take most issue with tbh.

    The path to anger management is primarily through introspection and/or therapy. Estrogen will not magically overhaul your personality, habits, and tendencies; there are things it changes, and it’s helped my mental state immensely—I wouldn’t give it up for the world and it helped facilitate the changes I needed for myself—but there’s so much extra work involved to in self-improvement and actualization than just acknowledging your gender identity and taking hrt.

  • There are opportunities in baking to deviate from the recipe, but it’s important to know how the ingredients react with each other during the mixing or baking process. I know some people who add an extra egg to their batch of cookies, some who add extra butter, etc and those who follow it verbatim. There’s certainly a lot less room for error, and a lot of small mistakes that can absolutely fuck the outcome, but there is room for creativity if you know which components are critical and which are optional. (and for which recipe, because some are more sensitive than others)

    Just don’t mix up baking powder and baking soda like I did when I was 11. Worst mistake of my life, that batch of waffles was completely inedible and had to be tossed 🙁 (idk if that counts as baking or cooking but whatever)

  • It’s actually some people from the older more entitled generation feel that their employees that had schedules adjusted to allow work from home during covid, feel that since the pandemic has ended employees must come back to office and work under direct supervision in their pretty fiefdom, AND be entitled to their employees’ unpaid time commuting even though WFH is more efficient and better for most employees. Sounds reasonable 🤣

    One of the reasons companies are pushing for return to office is simply because WFH scares middle managers because they can’t keep constant watch over everyone and see the faces of subordinates at all times. It puts them in a very precarious position to learn that most people are still productive even without their constant breathing down everyone’s necks. They want to return to a worse past because it was a setup they were just personally more comfortable with even though it comes at the expense of workers’ well-being both mental and physical.

    Also, consider the commercial real estate market! If people work from home then just think of how all those property investment portfolios will suffer; the absolute horror of it all!