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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 29th, 2023

  • Here’s a tip to make using Firefox profiles easy.

    1. go to about:profiles and create a profile. Let’s call this one “better” because it has the Betterfox css added. (an example)
    2. On Linux typing firefox in a terminal will launch the default profile. Typing firefox -p better will launch the “better” profile. If you’re on OS X or Windows just find out what the equivalent command would be to execute the launch.
    3. Go to wherever you need to in your operating system to create custom keyboard shortcuts. For me that’s Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts. Create a new shortcut with the following information.

    Name: Firefox profile better

    Command: firefox -p better

    Keys: enter the keys you want to use

    How to choose keys;

    My desktop environment uses super(windows) + b to launch the default browser, which happens to be Firefox. So for me it makes sense to use something like super + shift + b for consistency, and easy to remember. If you have a profile with Arkenfox css it could be super + shift + a. Regardless, try for a mnemenic and consistent solution.

    Now whenever you want to launch a new instance of a Firefox profile just tap the keys you assigned.

  • There’s some decent alternatives to Outlook, but not so FOSS. An example might be Mailspring. And if you won’t use Thunderbird then you might need to look at some webmail suites. The best ones to check out are Posteo.de (German), Mailfence.com (Brussels), Protonmail.com (Swiss) and Tuta.com (Germany).

    I don’t know why you wouldn’t use Thunderbird. It’s been brilliant for me for years. Some recent updates have improved the aesthetics and included some requested functionality. The Thunderbird team have also been working with K9 to improve the Android app. It’s only going to get better moving forward People are waking up to corporate proprietary abuse and are looking for alternatives. Mozilla are stepping up.