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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Honestly, they don’t really deserve the idolization they get even beyond the movies. Sparta was a rather brutal slaver society after all, the reason for their famous military training was mostly to deal with rebellion by their slave population which greatly outnumbered them. If they still existed as they did then, they’d probably be viewed with the same kind of contempt we view places like North Korea.

  • did they stop trying with the anti-adblocker stuff at some point? when they were rolling that out Id get a “adblockers violate our terms of service” message once every few days or so when uBlock Origin hadnt updated to work around it yet, but I dont think ive seen one in a while

  • I understand that the kind of people that fall for this stuff tend to be horrible in other ways, don’t get me wrong, but I guess I still find it hard not to find some amount of sympathy for anyone, even if I find them detestable. People aren’t born being bigoted, and while it’s absolutely understandable to hate people for thinking and acting that way, I certainly do myself, I’m not sure to what extent I can really see it being a choice. Like, what kind of person, who both understood what bigotry was and was not already in the grip of it, would actively choose it? I feel like those kinds of views are something one is taught, and once taught are difficult to unteach, because part of what they are involves suspicion against anyone that has a contrary message. Like the concept of garbage in ->garbage out that people use with computers, but applied to people instead.

  • Honestly I have mixed feelings on these guys. Like, sure, they absolutely did need to be jailed, because trying to overturn an election is extremely dangerous for the country and one cant set the precedent that one can get away with attempting it, but at the same time, these people were lied to, and if the things that they had been led to believe about the election being stolen had actually been true, I cant help but think that something like what was done might have been justified. It feels kinda messed up, then, that the people who had been led into this with misplaced trust and false promises are the ones getting the bulk of the punishment, and not the people who sold them on lies in the first place.