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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Umm… What did you think the point of mods on reddit was? The mods we chose to support and followed here to lemmy and kept the community on track?

    And you know you can just lurk on here and can use another instance that better fits your idea of the type of conversations you want. There’s nothing keeping you from making an account on exploding heads and chatting away with them. You can multiple accounts you know.

  • If the community is as important to the users as you believe them to be then those who truly do value the resources of the community will move.

    I value the resources of r/FREEMEDIAHECKYEAH and /r/piracy over the years so much that I came to lemmy. I didn’t see /r/piracy’s initial plans to do an indefinite shutdown as something that would hurt me, but something I fully supported and was more than happy to join them on lemmy to find a new home.

    Reddit was why I found communities like those two, but reddit was not what I needed for them to always have to be on. Those who don’t feel the same will just run off to whatever other piracy resource is there regardless of whether mods are removed or different.

    So I guess what I’m trying to say as one of the regular people is you don’t need to worry so much about hurting us. And to us this wasn’t just a fight over communities but stuff like the freedom to use third party apps and great third party extensions like RES. I didn’t want to have to use the terrible reddit website on my phone to interact with my communities, or have to use their spyware official app. I was happy mods were willing to fight for users like us who didn’t have any power at all.

  • If traffic to reddit is being given then what about at least offsetting being public in some way by having the wiki instead redirect here instead?

    I’m sure many piracy minded people would love to find out about alternatives to reddit for piracy resources with how fickle relying on a centralized corporate entity can be. I think it’d be cool if to access the wiki they actually had to come to a thread on here. Instead of being able to do everything within the reddit ecosystem.

    So reddit becoming the launch point to this community to see the resource would be my fantasy.