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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • I mean I’m somewhat interested in how the Wizarding world manages to keep hidden despite all the kids from the muggleworld supposedly having friends and connections and things before Hogwarts.

    I mean, which 11-year old wouldn’t want to tell their friends they’re special? Hmm… perhaps ones which fear some sort of “witch-hunt” if they out themselves as being different?

    How about why don’t muggles just address the weird looking wizards who they see on the streets (at least in book 1 chapter 1) and on King’s Cross station. I mean, I can always spot a wizard.

  • The main advancement of capitalism was the rich handing their knights to the state

    Seriously, why do people think capitalism = market economy?

    How hard is it to understand that capitalism is only a single form of market economies, and literally the worst one?

    Capitalism didn’t bring down the concept of divine right, ffs.

  • As Holt demonstrates, not everyone chooses the more enjoyable and less moral choice. (For Holt there isn’t a moral reason, he’s just disinterested, but nonetheless makes the same choice of not choosing to enjoy food.)

    At the end of the day, it’s why there are so many so viable vegan alternatives nowadays.

    Nowadays it’d be somewhat easy to fool a non-vegan into thinking they’re eating meat, occasionally at least. Trying to pull that off 20 years ago would’ve been impossible.

  • Omfg I once took a hit of CO2 as I thought my CO2 capsules were my N2O capsules.

    Fuckin’ 'orrible

    Laughing gas is sweet and soft, taking a hit of CO2 is like choking on cactuses.

    I had exposure to tear gas in the army and while it was a milder version (simulating mild-moderate exposure), I definitely preferred it to CO2.

  • and pressed it on a record,

    Holy shit I never realised that. Either it’s actually pressed on an record, or he just used a video recording of some other disc being played and then added it to this video. As he’d have to use separate audio probably anyway, unless he put the output from the player directly into the camera. Anyhow, I never noticed that as I mostly listened this. However it’s done yeah, Love it.

    Edit he specifically says it is a track made for this specific purpose because of the thing he says, I had forgot, because it’s been years since I watched this.

  • So, to reiterate, you’re not getting the point that I’m not American, or… you’re just not aware that your political labels don’t apply world-wide?

    Secondly, the active ignoring of “do you support Trump” and “do you support Putin” tell a tale of their own. Mainly that you probably don’t want to say that you don’t support either. Anyone supporting Putin and Trump are more likely Putin fans, who just understand that Trump winning is the only chance Putin has. Which is why they would like for people to not vote for Biden. Because that’s how sad Putin’s situation is. He’s cowering in a bunker, like Hitler before he killed himself. Which is probably the best option Putin has when Biden wins.

    Which is why you’re so desperate for your one-note insult at Biden, because Russian information warfare is so shit you think that’s enough. People aren’t voting for Biden, but against Trump.

  • So youre saying you’re so easy to influence that a stranger online affects your voting decisions? Oh golly.

    Why do you reply if you ignore everything I say?

    When Trump was elected, he didn’t actually have the majority vote.

    And you think it’s realistic for a third party candidate to win because of your vote, despite several presidents having lost the presidency despite winning the popular vote?

    Do you support Trump?

    Do you support Putin?

  • Do you understand that the US isn’t a democracy? You can live in your fantasies, I can’t help that — and again, I’m not American — but that won’t change the political reality you live in.

    You don’t live in a democracy. Your vote can already be ignored. And you’re ready to throw it away, instead of voting against Trump?

    Voting for Biden doesn’t mean you agree with him, ffs.

    I have a horse in this race because the US is already infamous for it’s crass foreign policy.

    And you want to give Trump a better chance of winning?

    Do you understand that the last time he “won”, he didn’t even have the popular vote?

    And you’re trying to make it easier for the US to become a vassal state to Russia? Trump is Putin’s whore, and his only chance.

    If Trump wins, it’s an actual threat to democracy everywhere on this planet, however indirectly.

    So I don’t care if you have to vote for another shitty president who doesn’t care about foreigners dying, it’s nothing new to you. As long as it’s not the illiterate orange clown who is in Putin’s pocket. And you don’t seem to have a lot of choice, realistically, do you?

    If I were as generalising as you, I’d write “this is why people hate Americans” but I know not everyone from the US is like you.

  • I’m not helping Trump by not voting for Biden.

    Yes you are.

    Especially because the US doesn’t even employ direct presidential elections, but uses the electoral college. A third party candidate simply will not win. Any obfuscation of a clear win will make it that much easier for the electors to disregard the people.

    I’d like to remind you that Trump is still actively pretending the last time he didn’t lose, and even when he was elected president, it was against the popular vote.

    So yes, by not voting for Biden, you are helping Trump, like it or not. Which you clearly do, with the whole “this is why people don’t like democrats”. I’m not American, and you still result to trying to mock democrats, clearly implying you’re a republican.

    And thus you probably actually know you are helping Trump and you’re fine with it, you’re just ashamed of letting people know that’s what you actually think.