• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • With a Blazor (serverside mode) project you could have that with a nice user experience. Blazor has a tiny js which initializes something, otherwiss it renders the site on the server and sends the component updates to the browser, so the whole site does not need to reload, only the relevant components (which is kind of interesting).

    Maybe there is some blazor serverside e-commerce project out there, I wouldn’t personally recommend it though.

  • For the site itself the most minimal thing you can do is an html file.

    Then some software to act as the “server” that serves that file to a visitor. (nginx, caddy, apache - there are many options).

    And your domain needs a domain record which points to your server.

    As you want to use a home pc, you need to figure out whether your ISP gives you a dynamic or static IP.

    If static, you can just use that.

    If dynamic, you’d need some service like dynDNS to keep pointing your domain to your changing IP.

  • Deleting partitions shouldn’t mess up anything, unless the partition was still in use by something else.

    So if you have a disk that is just used for Nobora, deleting all the disks partitions will not mess up anything. If you have multiboot from the same disk then yes, you have to be a bit careful to not mess up whatever you want to not delete.

    But as I said this is just to make extra sure. First try just installing Bazzite over Nobora, it should probably delete everything. If not, then you can delete partitions and reinstall again.

  • Nobody actually answered your question so far, so here I go:

    You can just install it over the other.

    Make sure in the installer you have to tell it to use the whole drive where you want to install it to.

    Some distros try to be smart and keep the /boot and /home directories, but then the installer has a checkbox to keep or delete it.

    If you want to be extra sure, boot into the Bazzite USB stick. Then before installing, fire up the partition manager (there should be one, but idk what it is called) and just delete all partitions on the disk where you had Nobora installed on before.