• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I never said or even implied we have no agency, but I’m also not deluded enough to think we have free choice under capitalism. We are not only literally indoctrinated from birth and essentially brainwashed our entire lives from that point in to consumerism and “keeping up with the Joneses”, but we are also entirely dependant on participation in the system for survival because it is designed that way. You wanting to think you’re somehow above it (even if you have learned to identify some of the propaganda and try to avoid it, which is simply impossible to do), or wanting to blame those who aren’t “above it” for the system instead of those actively implementing and profiting directly from it, doesn’t change that.

    Freedom, and specifically freedom of choice, is capitalism’s biggest con.

  • The point is that the “desire” is entirely artificial and enforced on us as society by those who profit from doing so (and their trillion dollar industries dedicated to this task), not that some people are struggling, because all of us but a tiny miniscule percent of humanity, are struggling (including the non-existent “middle class”, another lie there to maintain division in the working class, and the illusion of “aspiration”), we’re just made to believe it’s normal and part of human nature, when it is anything but.

    Whatever “truth” Buddhism has is honestly irrelevant, especially because it predates Adam Smith and the levels of unprecedented social engineering and indoctrination we’re subjected to in the name of capitalism by so long, its idea of “desire” is completely detached from yours, but even if it wasn’t, all that “truth” is is victim blaming, and shifting responsibility for systemic issues on to individuals, which is a classic tactic employed by those in charge (be it kings, feudal lords, “gods” prophets and whatever other religious figurehead, or capitalists) because it serves them and only them, for us to be pointing fingers at one another (while ignoring literally all of the environmental factors they impose on us) instead of at them.

  • But most people don’t directly benefit from, and are directly involved in, the systems that encourage such behaviour, like the ones at the top are.
    Most people are just grinding away selling their labour to survive while convinced by the wealthy-owned media and trillion dollar marketing industrial complex that they’re just temporarily embarrassed millionaires who just need to consume more to make their lives better.
    *Insert “we are not the same” meme here*

  • I wouldn’t be so proudly proclaiming “I’m German” as if that gives you automatic and universal knowledge, or authority, if you’d like, on, well, anything, if I were you, instead I’d get out of the way, humble myself, and go study some history.

    “Only one thing could have stopped our movement – if our adversaries had understood its principle and from the first day smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement.” -Adolf Hitler

  • DessertStorms@kbin.socialtoMonero@monero.townBuying Monero with Litecoin
    4 months ago

    angry communists

    brainwashed by central bankers to attack anything that threatens banker control over the currencies we use.

    lmmfao, the fucking irony… 🤣

    (to clarify for your sake - communists literally want to abolish money, if anyone here is brainwashed, it’s you, and it’s by capitalism, not “central bankers” which you might as well have put in multiple parentheses for how loud that dog whistle is)

  • fear of violence

    so it’s fine for poor people to not only fear systemic violence, but experience it daily, but gods forbid the handful of people in charge of said system who are actively and deliberately inflicting violence and death on millions if not billions of people the globe daily, and for posterity, and for their own benefit, fear some violent self defence…

    Violence against poor people: you sleep
    Violence against our rich overlords: real shit

    The level of bootlicking is gross…

    government regulation (and federal prison)

    how’s that been working out? (hint: it isn’t, because capitalism cannot be reformed, by design. And the point of eat the rich isn’t to just keep killing them, it’s to give them the option to end their exploitative system and give up their power for the benefit of society at large, and when they refuse, because they will, make that decision for them. Once the system is abolished any “heirs”, and former rich people who realise they’d rather live as equals to others than die filthy rich, will have no power to take the “top” position again, because there will be no top position, nor will they have any resources to try with).