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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • No, it means I’m lying to them. If I say I don’t agree with their politics, I’ll get an ear full. If I lie and say I don’t follow politics, I can diplomatically end that discussion branch. Grow up liberal in a conservative family and you’ll get it. I’m not convincing these geezers of anything and I don’t want to waste my social energy trying.

  • ? No they aren’t. Not outside twitter at least. Those incels are only relevant because people are outraged at them. It feeds the Engagement Algorithm. They don’t have nearly the effect that their opponents give them credit for.

    Also, the white knights were using the exact same arguments that the incels were using to criticize Stellar Blade. It’s actually amazing how little self awareness “both sides” have. It’s almost like the leaders of both sides don’t really care about their “issues” and are only Algomaxxing.

    No, executive suits delisting game titles and shutting down game servers isn’t anything like twitter whine. Think of all the modern games built on the original Doom engine and how none of that would have happened without ID Software releasing their engine’s source code. Never made them any money, but it secured Doom’s legacy as art. Hell, we can only play Bungie’s Marathon game because they did the same before getting bought by Microsoft. Gaming went “Mainstream” and something was lost because of that. At least some indie devs still get it.

    Personally, I would change the law to only grant Copyright protections to game titles that had Public Domain plan. Game studios should have to submit source code and assets to their respective government and it be placed in lock down for when the rights expire. I would change copyright length back to 14 + 14 years.

  • I’m having way more fun with the solo and microteam indie titles. Cultic is immersive not because of the graphic fidelity, but because of the fluid gameplay. Turbo Overkill’s story is carried by the voice acting, not because I can see the pores on the characters faces, and Dusk is the first game in years that immersed me so much, I was leaning in the chair to dodge enemy shoots.

  • Honestly, I pity artists working on AAA games these days. Imagine working on something for months, it hitting shelves and people enjoying it, only for it to be delisted in a few years because some suit doesn’t want it associated with their brand anymore. That’s not what’s suppose happen with “Art”, but god help you if you want to try American McGee’s Alice or the single player Unreal games through official means.

  • “Humor” is how the body copes with getting unexpected information. A crafted joke sets up an expectation, then subverts it. Every joke is essentially that. Have you ever heard a conservative “joke” where you didn’t see the punchline coming from a mile away. That’s why they only have “one joke” for every topic.