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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I mentioned this the last time there was a “hur dur stealing is fine” thread, but I once watched two guys steal hundreds of pounds (currency, not weight) of meat from a supermarket. They obviously did this to sell it on, but many of the comments here were saying not to side with shareholders or that the store could handle the losses no problem.

    Tell someone that is actually struggling about shoplifting, and many of them will say there are two minds to this: you’re either desperate or stupid. It’s clear as day when someone is desperate (i.e. stealing formula - frankly if they got caught I’d pay for it for them and would happily give them all of my newborn stuff that I no longer use for free), but it’s also really fucking obvious when someone is doing it to be a cunt.

  • One of the managers in my org used to work there, and lost his job post-takeover. Apparently most that were left were on L1B visas, so had no opportunity to move elsewhere. His theory was that Elon knew exactly what he was doing, because he now has a team of engineers in their late twenties and early thirties that’ll basically do whatever he wants, or risk uprooting their families back to their home country.

    They’re probably still great engineers, but when you’re doing the job of multiple teams, or things have zero coverage, shit is going to slip.

  • It’s hard to say what the best solution to this is, because you’re absolutely right, many billionaires don’t spend “money” - they leverage their assets to get stuff. If they need to liquidate anything, someone that monitors some portfolio at some wealth management firm will do that with a few clicks and some signatures.

    Perhaps the best option is regulation of a banks ability to finance against leveraged assets above a certain threshold? I’d also be for a cap on CEO salaries and bonuses, perhaps with both shareholder and employee approval needed to execute executive bonuses. I imagine that alone would mean most CEO’s would lose a fuck-ton of money.

    I’d love for a wealth tax to be viable, but it would require balls of steel from the president, and a central tax authority that won’t be coerced into accepting loopholes. Even then, it would be hilariously easy to get around by moving wealth elsewhere.

  • I can understand a miscommunication from their part, but the latter treatment on Mastodon is not an attitude that a large FOSS project should have towards another person.

    While I won’t pretend that I was ever going to contribute to Libreboot, if a project I loved treated contributors this way, at best I would never contribute, and at worst seriously reconsider using said project. Leah absolutely needs to apologise for this, and Libreboot needs to update its community standards.

  • EnderMB@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    5 months ago

    In many combat sports like MT, BJJ, and MMA opinions are quite strong, and possibly rightly so when there is a risk of bodily harm. Some BJJ comps have put together rules where a trans person can enter their chosen division, as long as competitors agree to compete with them. That seems to be a common middle-ground, but still results in some people refusing and blocking that person from competing with their own gender. Some have just redefined the men’s categories to “open” and lumped trans people into that category.

    Frankly, what I would love to see is a fully funded study, and a commitment from sporting bodies to both follow that guidance AND to commit to future funding to repeat experiments.