• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2020


  • I mean, these communities do get created when someone feels like there’s a reason to. There’s just no council or whatever regulating when and where a community gets to be created, so any user on any instance can decide to open up and promote their community.

    And frankly, I have no idea what the precise effects are. When you subscribe to all of these, it won’t really be much different from just one big community in that sense. It may mean, though, that someone new accidentally joining only one of the communities will not be presented all the content they want, yeah.

    On the flip side, having it split is kind of cool, because you can decide to only subscribe to 2 out of 4 communities, if you only want half as much of this content in your feed. Or you can decide to subscribe to all of these, but not to the one on angry-instance.net, because you don’t like the tone of the discussions in that one.

  • Yeah, it’s federated, meaning you can subscribe to each of them and post to whichever one you fancy. If you want to post to multiple, it’s a good idea to use the cross-post feature.

    Having only one singular official community would be rather bad, as then the respective server owners and moderators would have central control like on Reddit.

  • Hmm, yeah, it is a bit surprising to me, too, especially for an audio issue, but it’s always possible that you had some weird configuration values in about:config for historic reasons and now some new code, that came in with a Firefox update, isn’t working with that configuration.

    Either way, it happens often enough that Mozilla has a troubleshooting routine for it, too, namely refreshing your profile.

    If I remember correctly, it places your old profile data into a folder in your Desktop folder. But you can also separately backup your profile by closing Firefox and then copying ~/.mozilla/firefox/ onto an external hard drive or such.

  • Hmm, for audio playing, they do then show a speaker icon in place of the favicon, if that’s what you’re seeing. In the non-compact tabs, it also says “PLAYING” underneath the tab title, though. And I believe, it also shows a similar text for when the microphone or camera is in use, and they don’t have icons for those…

  • In about:config, you can set the flag browser.compactmode.show to true.

    Then if you right-click on the toolbar and select “Customize Toolbar…”, there’s a dropdown “Density”, which now contains an entry “Compact (not supported)”.

    This compact mode was part of the previous Firefox design (Photon) and was declared unsupported with the latest redesign (Acorn), presumably because one central design element of Acorn is the tall tabs, which can show text hints under the tab title, like “PLAYING” to indicate that this tab is playing audio, or “MUTE TAB” if you then hover over the favicon/speaker icon.