• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023

  • this looks cool on the surface but i wonder about so many issues. is it harder to fix a punctured tire? why not a conventional baggage holder in front or above the back wheel? what happens if the fingerprint scanner breaks? their claim that it is harder to steal makes me laugh. 99% of bike thefts don’t happen because the perpetrator is looking for a bike to use, they simply throw a bunch of locked bikes in a truck and scrap them for parts in another country.

  • what are you making misleading claims about Qwant for??? if you click your own damn link you’ll see that the only case where they need to collect your name is if you make an account (completely unnecessary), make a de-listing request (to verify that you are who you say you are before removing something, otherwise i could just go and have jeff bezos removed), or if you report something.

    also, 80% of your bullet points after “user agent” are redundant because they are literally just what makes up a user agent. newsflash: every single website you ever visit in your life collects your user agent because it needs to know whether to give you the mobile or the desktop version of the site. this has nothing to do with privacy in this case, you’re just slandering to slander

  • FIST_FILLET@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneelite gaming rule
    5 months ago

    2020 was the release of ps5 and “xbox series x” (and also the cheaper “xbox series s” model that has since proven incapable of playing certain xbox titles, holding the whole xbox platform back; see baldur’s gate)

    no new consoles have been released since and it will be at least 3+ years before a new generation of consoles arrives (meaning one that has games the previous model can’t play)

  • FIST_FILLET@lemmy.mlto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerulemission
    6 months ago

    absolutely, plants and vegetables have been around since the dawn of time, and once we stop funneling those plants through animals so they can grow fat and get slaughtered, we can just eat the plants directly from the source :) like @Cowbee said (no idea how to tag people on lemmy, sorry), however, getting everyone on board is a process

    the only reason why animal meat is so rich in b12-vitamins is because it is artificially pumped with it. nutritionally the exact same as taking a supplement tablet, except the supplement tablet doesn’t go through a gas chamber before they sell it to us

    edit: here’s a handy site that answers the most frequent arguments against veganism: https://yourveganfallacyis.com/en - i also recommend Ed Winters (“earthling ed” on youtube), i’m currently reading through the first of his two recent books on veganism