wa wa wa

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • You should look up the double empathy problem. Its been shown that autistic people don’t struggle to communicate or be understood by other autistic people. Its only between autistic and non autistic people where the issues arise but only one side gets all the blame when the failure is both ways.

  • I am also always immensely confused how gamers don’t see valve taking 30% of pc sales and not recognize that as greedy shit bag behavior.

    We all know when google or apple does it on their app store its bad, or when spotify pays artists pennies its bad, or when actors are striking because of its shady residuals payout from streaming its bad. But when king gaben does it, its fine perfectly ok. Even though game devs are some of the most overworked and underpaid workers in tech. And then people wonder why games suck lately.

  • Is Trump gonna genocide harder or something?

    I mean… yes… yes he would definitely support escalation of the killings. He has stated he thinks they aren’t going far enough so trump would 100% just encourage full genocide openly

    Biden is at least turning on this issue, though obviously it’s way too little and too late… but he is at least reachable and is now saying there needs to be a ceasefire.

    Is biden doing enough? Fuck no.

    Should he step down and let other dems run? I think yes… I would feel so much better if we had a candidate who hasn’t been supporting this for as long as biden has.

    But would trump be worse on this issues? Absolutely things can get so much worse…

  • My 2c is that if the majority of people are confused about the purpose of a punctuation mark or language feature in general, then that feature is not actually fulfilling a useful function. If it was actually useful then people wouldn’t be confused, they would just be using it. People would learn it organically and not need it to be explained.

    That example sentence would function exactly the same if it was separated by a period, nothing is gained by using a semicolon. No new information is added, you are just going to make people wonder why there is a semicolon there making the sentence less comprehensible.

    Its sorta related to the prescriptivism vs descriptivism distinction.

  • Political compass memes are unironically the dumbest fucken shit ever, I really hate them.

    Any attempt to plot all of politics onto a two dimensional image is just pure concentrated idiocy mixed with huge helpings of stereotyping and propaganda. Stop taking these things seriously, they are not serious, they are actually the opposite of serious and are actively misleading you and making you dumber just looking at them.