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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • I sounds like you don’t actually dislike wayland, but fanboys and toxicity. TBH the linux community is full of that kind of crap.

    Imagine if we were all as weird about toasters, having arguments about how toaster brand X was so much better than toaster brand Y.

    But luckily people don’t give much of a shit about toasters, as long as they work.

  • The problem with linux, and I say this out of experience, is that even if it works on 99% of games and 99% of hardware that’s not much comfort if you’re part of the 1%.

    Sometimes you’re just shit out of luck. At which point linux is just the worst and you genuinely are better off using windows. That’s invariably not linux’s fault. It’s the manufacturer or developer’s fault.

    TBH I’m going to try linux again some day, but I’m going to make sure I have compatible hardware. This is the way.

  • I’ll be forced to switch to linux when 10 reaches end of life, but I’m genuinely not looking forward to it. I’ve tried it before and given up after hours of hair pulling. Not linux’s fault necessarily. Often driver issues.

    That’s the thing a lot of fanboys forget. They often install linux on hardware they handpicked to be compatible on a pc they assembled themselves. Most casual users are upgrading an existing non-self assembled system, which may or may not be compatible, and contain parts that don’t have good driver support. Eg. a cheap realtek card that was never sold to consumers directly, meaning it would only be installed in windows systems.

    Honestly, I may just not bother. Go on ebay, buy something newer. Shame though. System runs fine. Happily runs Cyberpunk and stuff like that. TBF because I’m a cheap bastard, I only have 500 euros invested in the thing. Bought it at aldi when it was discounted. Upgraded it with second hand ebay parts. LOL.

  • I suspect the whole geographic thing also plays into it.

    Where I live, you’re never more than 15 minutes from a police station. Maybe half an hour if you live in the middle of nowhere. There are also more than enough cops to go around. I can imagine if you live 4 hours from a police station in the middle of nowhere, or somewhere with 24hr response times, you would want a gun for protection. I certainly would.