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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • Completely agree. I understand that as of now, Queue has stepped down as a mod, but I hope that at such a time in the future where their mental health is better that they will return. The ability to say, ‘You’re right. I’m too stressed to properly do this right now. Here’s what I’ll do instead’ is incredibly appreciated.

    That’s the kind of person I WANT as a mod, provided that they actually take the time to de-stress, reflect and come back as a better person.

  • Mild spoilers, but in the show, >!it isn’t supposed to be a pangram, but a response to one, sort of like an anti-pangram. f you’re trying to focus on the typical ‘quick brown fox’ pangram, it breaks your concentration. It sounds close, but the more you think about it, the worse it gets and the less you’re able to focus on the real one.!<

    But my point is that it still confuses me and pops up in my head when I’m trying to think about the real one.