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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The country people of the 1890s are not the country people of today. Big city folk were a significantly smaller part of the population then, and the college educated population was miniscule. The ability to become educated is the largest relevant metric here. Now you can hit up khan academy and stanfords YouTube channel and get a world class education for free. Back then you had to be straight white wealthy connected. The excuses for ignorance are gone, for current country people.

    But yes, these problems can and should be reversed, and done best communicating outside of the specific “lie-beral pedo demonrat vs racist Jesus warrior firearm creep” paradigm; placing things in terms of labor vs ownership class.

  • I really dont understand how anyone can look at the modern era of politics without a consideration for game theory, it is so useful for resolving these more nebulous or philosophical idea when it comes to thought conflicts. If your ‘opponent’ is constantly escalating and you arent responding, you are functionally forfeiting. and we all know the fascists are escalating as often and as hard as they can. if you seek peace or de-escalation you have to negotiate, and they wont do that. if you seek neutral ground you have to respond with equal escalation. and if you want to win you have to apply overwhelming force.

    most conflicts in politics are not zero sum like this so its not a useful tool most of the time, but fascists are literally out for the destruction of democracy by definition, its existential by nature.

  • This is a bit close minded and reductive when you can see a large number is examples where these tools beat the shit out of search engines, and search engines have been on a precipitous decline in quality for years now. Not talking shit; the privacy concerns are very valid and i dont think there is anything at all wrong with an anti-ai stance in these areas, I just don’t want novices reading this and thinking these tools are “glorified keyboard autocorrect” when some near version of them is undoubtedly the future of both internet search and internet assistant.

  • The WAN show is a great option for a one stop shop for broad tech stuff. It is often very long but they add very clear chapters to the youtube video that make it easy to jump to the stuff that interests you. Luke is a software developer/manager so he is fairy knowledgeable in that realm, and Linus is a very transparent CEO of a tech media company, so the coverage is actually very good between the two of them. Just dont expect in depth conversations about RHEL forks and node.js code efficiency and stuff, its very much meant to be consumed by regular tech enthusiasts and not hyper deep code monkeys.

  • Step 1: A backpedal to their roots, openness and FOSS leaning development. Allow reasonably cheap API access that still gives them some money from the AI trawlers but allows 3rd parties to function, stop blasting me with gigantic notification on my mobile browser to use the terrible official app every time I view a thread (or even literally forcing you off the page period if its ‘nsfw’ content like elden ring threads, apparently??)

    Step 2: Focus on genuine usability. The official app is DOG ASS. The “new” reddit experience is a nightmare compared to old reddit. Videos STILL don’t load and run properly, after literally 5 or 6 years. Straight up embarrassing stuff for software developers.

    Step 3: Take a genuine stance on moderation and content. Either direction; free-for-all where only the clearly illegal is removed, or tightly moderated with global rules. This current system is a completely broken mess, you’ll get the_donald literally breeding terrorists in the open for years, but I can’t use call another user an “asshole loser” without getting kicked out of a subreddit? I just dont think the weird federalist style subreddit system works all that well. Global, clear, enforced rules.

    If they did these things I think I would return. The real crazy thing is that they could do all of these things and still increase profitability. If the official app was actually good, more people would use it, and the massive amount of calls home and data collection it does would be way more profitable. Jump on the bandwagon, make a reddit LLM chat-bot that is fed only on reddit threads, it would probably be genuinely decent. Or at least make reddit search work, you would siphon off a ton of google search traffic. you know. innovate, at all, even a little. The money would come in. But not AS FAST AS POSSIBLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE I WANT TO SCROOGE MCDUCK THIS SHIT levels, and thats what the ownership and (soon to be) shareholders will push them towards. So none of this will happen, sadly.