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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • No. It’s not our problem to fix. It’s sometimes just a choice to walk away which everyone seems these days to push that you should just focus on yourself anyways.

    If they don’t want our input, or effort or thoughts but just want a vote and some money then fuck it. I’m not involved and I don’t have the sway or money to even be a bother to them.

    I won’t just be a resource to be won by default.

  • No, I can assure you even if they work directly in the building there is no way there isn’t a middle man contract holder that allows the immediate firing of employees without effort. I work in this kind of tech. The goal is to have the least amount of actual employees as possible for these companies because it gives the least liability and the fastest route to letting them go.

    Amazon does this with their delivery drivers what makes you think they aren’t making sure there is a middle contract holder here too.

  • And no response from them but it’s people complaining who are wrong cause it makes them feel bad and it can be waived away with “but I’m sure it’s better now, it’s good for me”

    Same argument every time. Sure harm reduction isn’t working but maybe you haven’t tried being up against a bad enough harm and also we need to not make a sound or else Mommy might come in and beat us for being upset.

    Complaints about the system and setup we are in are more upsetting to those that can ignore it than the issues themselves.

  • Yeah that’s projection. Hurt people, hurt people. They might just be downtrodden and view a change of suffering to be good enough to support.

    The new suffering coming is just a concept and not real, so it’s less painful in the now even if it might not be in the future. But that yearning for change is basic and people will support all kinds of stuff if they think it will change their current suffering.

  • Krauerking@lemy.lolto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    Yeah. I don’t envy nor blame those who vote for the biggest crash because they think their suffering will be over without having considered the suffering that will just be new.

    People often just want change and those that don’t are just comfortable where they are. The slow route might be nicer for them but and even for others in the long run, but it doesn’t matter what they want change will have to come, they can just be proactive about it or let it be out of their control and in the hands of those that just want it to stop.

  • Krauerking@lemy.lolto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    If it’s so easy have to actually tried giving time to a campaign and having it win and change your local policy?

    Have you done what you preach?

    I have tried. The super easy barely an effort easy win of showing up and supported by my picks… Didn’t work. Like at all. The DNC in fact even refused to acknowledge half my candidates even though they had more grassroots support, and then funded former Republicans. In a blue city, they still thought the conservative options were better candidates. And lost. We all lost. But sure we held back some morons from school board. But stopping a couple people from getting elected is way different than getting policy makers you want in.

    I agree that people need to be doing things but thinking a few hours and shouting at people to vote blue will do anything against the bigger systemic issues and flaws of the operating class of the DNC being happy to be useless then you are far more comfortable in your life than people like me.

  • Krauerking@lemy.lolto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    The scenic path is only good for those enjoying the scenery and not the people still having to use their spit and blood to power and lube the bus.

    They won’t care how it crashes and stops just that it does. You just aren’t ready for it to be over. It doesn’t matter what you want though anymore.

    It won’t matter if want it to keep going just a little bit longer, when it happens it will happen. And people will rejoice for the end of their suffering even if it just starts a new version of it.

  • Krauerking@lemy.lolto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    Yeah I’m tired of people saying the better leader is the one who keeps pretending to drive off the road and might get back on track and away from the cliff if they get enough money and then fucking taking a shit ton of money from one person who tells them to drive closer to the cliff cause they find it fun when everyone else panics cause it lets them steal everyone’s wallet.

    We keep accepting garbage because “it’s better than nothing” and then be happy cause only a few more million people are slipping into suffering rather than them. Status quo liberals are a shit stain on the Democratic party but the remains of the upper middle class still think it’s neat.

  • Krauerking@lemy.lolto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    Yeah the Democrats are driving us to get ice cream, they are driving us to their private casino after promising ice cream and telling us if we spend enough at the black jack table they might send over a waitress to take our order.

    I’m tired of them being framed as good and their ideas as beneficial when really most are just enriching for the already wealthy and have forgotten about sacrifice and effort into the greater good of the common people.

    So if our choice is between an actual evil asshole and an abuser who just wants people to shut up so they don’t have to hear complaints, I’m not exactly blaming people that dislike both options and view harm reduction as just living with the pain.
    We have to do and aim for better or no one will be interested in participating anymore.
    I’m already tired of spending my life at the casino surrounded by drunks and addicts, and my only escape being getting on the bus driving to the cliff.

    If neither side respects people, then I don’t think they deserve them.

  • I really don’t think people even understand inflation enough to realize “inflation is dropping” just means prices are still going up but only a little at a time instead of the near doubling it was a year or 2 ago and how little people have been wage matched to the stipl increasing costs.

  • Yeah the information age is turning into the profit maximized end game.

    We all had access to information, then gave up our own in response. And now having specific data to find truly only the most useful and profitable people and marketing is the new gold. But honestly I think the data isn’t actually as useful as oil. It’s more like gold. And these companies are trying to sell shovels. Tools for scraping and using the data but eventually people must realize that it isn’t enough.