• 2 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • Because every second of my life, the task of being okay with existing in the real world does take effort.

    That’s rough. Is it possible to change the environment in some way so it bothers you less? I don’t know anything about being autistic, but I used to live in a big city, eventually I couldn’t stand it anymore, homeless tents next to upmarket fashion shops, bus drivers avoiding bus stops like the plague, the endless NPC tech demo ass crowds, the costs, the grey, the awful public transport, thugs, lads, beckys, chavs, tourists etc etc. I used to feel exhausted just literally being outside, any small thing would ruin my day utterly and completely and I would retreat to sleep, dreaming of watching it burn. Now I live elsewhere, and I’m much happier overall.

  • That’s the real communication chasm, because for me - not talking is way way harder. When my S.O. isn’t open with me I assume they’re making a deliberate choice to withhold information to hurt me or appear strong. Either way they’re excluding me from their life, which means they’re ready to move on and don’t love me anymore.

    A state of being in which you find it harder to talk than not to talk is so alien to me it’s beyond imagination anyone could exist in such a manner.

  • Nah how about y’all just explain yourselves when asked it’s very easy. /s

    On a serious note, I have ADHD so if you ask me “what’s wrong” I could go on for hours, giving you a list of symptoms, root cause analysis, contributing historical factors, short term suggestions, future suggestions to avoid the state and bias analysis of my own analysis for hours and hours entirely off the cuff.

    It’s so hard with people who can’t, my brain often defaults to the assumption that they are just NPCs who simply lack the level of constant self-evaluation and internal monologue (which constitutes the abstraction of soul to me) and I have to fight it. At any given time I know exactly how I feel, it’s very natural to me to assume others must do as well, or their feelings just aren’t as deep.

  • I don’t have a horse in this race, but this is untrue really, majority does not imply correctness, occam’s razor just does not apply to hundreds of individuals with their own possibly independent complex motivations and circumstances. There are plenty of things most people are just wrong about and a select few are correct about etc.

  • No profit in that, though, so doubt any corpos will do it.

    But in theory it should not be hard to do, there has to be a way to extract YT’s subtitles by scraping the page in something like Selenium (might be some trouble if they are really generated at runtime or in batches rather than once per video at upload and sent from backend during beginning of playback and simply made invisible in the source), then simply run a summarize prompt on the text to a local Mistral or w/e and have a result. If using 'Open’AI’s API, could even have it be a Firefox extension with mobile support.