Art loving freedom adoring supervisor. Hit me up for a community on the blazingly fast server!

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • Oh man, I checked out Peertube and it’s amazing! Obviously overkill for my needs, but it seems like a really good platform (and it’s from France, yay!).

    Only worry I have, will my instance “mirror” other I stances? I’m confident sharing videos because I know they won’t be looked at very much, but with a sort of decentralized cache system it could be costly (in bandwidth).

  • Hello RoundSparrow, and again thank you for your help when I was in trouble setting up my little instance!

    It runs well now :-)

    Just as a backdrop I’m curious about how Lemmy works (I’m building a sharing protocol & implementation, decentralised, takedown safe, rugged, … It feels like how Lemmy is built on top of its protocol) and I love Lemmy and how it “federates” 💗 so I want to know more about it all.

    When you say packages get forwarded to whatever instance wanted (if I understand correctly) you don’t “unpack” (e.g check if it’s a valid request) which seems logic, the end instances does do the security check right? I mean if the end instance doesn’t check, you checking won’t help them out.

    But then again, if I understand you correctly, the trust is split in two; the poster from A posting on B, then B sending all its posts to C, D, E, …

    Which would mean it’s enough to trust B to trust A. If you trust B enough :-)

    Guess I’m off to learn Rust and try to compile all this :-)

    Thanks again, and sorry for the ramblings. It’s late here and I have not very much time.

  • Ha ha yeah it’s not easy peasy when you start with these kind of things for sure, thanks for the link! It seems it shows the day to say stuff (and the pubkey embedded in the json) thanks again.

    So if I want to validate a user outside of the Lemmy service (the one that runs in a docker on my lemmy-box), I “just” have to get the public key from the Lemmy database and validate the digest/signature?


  • My man, thank you for staying with me!

    If anyone stumbles upon this post and have the same problem ; the conf file you use if you follow the official Docker setup (lemmy.hjson) well, you get an example version with one of the wget commands. This file has the bare minimum config wise, so if you want to get the “full” one and get your hands dirty, download the sources (or go to the github and navigate like a pro) and it is here :


    Thanks again Grouchy!


  • 3 dayis later:

     1357 ./out/data did not match any variant of untagged enum AnnouncableActivities
      772 ./out/expected value at line 1 column 1
     1086 ./out/Record not found
    16426 ./out/data did not match any variant of untagged enum PageOrNote
    45962 ./out/Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available

    I’m a keeping an eye on this.

  • I made some analysis on a 150MB log output (see below, each line is a warning of the type listed)

    So some seems (or are at least rare) to be quite harmless, but there’s two who concerns me (BTW; they are all brought to attention by this line: WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: HereTheErrorMessageBelow) :

    • 32754 times: Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
    • 16670 times: data did not match any variant of untagged enum PageOrNote

    Also maybe this might hint on a software bug:

    • 380 WARN lemmy_server::root_span_builder: expected value at line 1 column 1

    Just FYI it’s running on a fresh Linux Mint install on a 8-gen hexa core on a 1Gb/s/0.7Gb/s internet line so I do not think I’m limited in any way.

    Is there any way of digging up why this is happening? I downloaded the sources but I’m a C/C++ programmer, not a Rust(?) one :-) but who knows if I can get a couple of pointers


          9 ./out/arenting not implemented
         43 ./out/cant accept local object from remote instance
         17 ./out/couldnt_find_community: Record not found
          2 ./out/couldnt_find_community: Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
          2 ./out/couldnt_find_object: data did not match any variant of untagged enum SearchableKinds
          5 ./out/couldnt_find_object: invalid query
         31 ./out/couldnt_find_post: Record not found
          1 ./out/couldnt_find_post: Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
          1 ./out/couldnt_find_that_username_or_email: Record not found
          3 ./out/couldnt_get_comments: Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
          1 ./out/couldnt_get_posts: Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
          1 ./out/couldnt_like_comment: Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
        834 ./out/data did not match any variant of untagged enum AnnouncableActivities
      16670 ./out/data did not match any variant of untagged enum PageOrNote
         24 ./out/data did not match any variant of untagged enum PersonOrGroup
          3 ./out/duplicate key value violates unique constraint "idx_person_lower_actor_id"
        380 ./out/expected value at line 1 column 1
          4 ./out/Http urls are only allowed in debug mode
          1 ./out/incorrect_login: incorrect_login
          1 ./out/insert or update on table "post_like" violates foreign key constraint "post_like_post_id_fkey"
          3 ./out/Invalid community: Invalid community
        318 ./out/Matching variant not found
         16 ./out/No community found in cc: No community found in cc
          4 ./out/Not a mod: Not a mod
          2 ./out/not_an_admin: not_an_admin
         57 ./out/not_found
          1 ./out/out occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
          1 ./out/Person is banned from site: Person is banned from site
          8 ./out/Post is locked: Post is locked
        666 ./out/Record not found
      32754 ./out/Timeout occurred while waiting for a slot to become available
          1 ./out/Webfinger regex failed to match
      51864 total