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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • Just my luck. I bought the AutoCAD for a project at work and took the keys with me when I left. I was the only person who ever used it. I became fairly comfortable with it and still use it rarely when I need to design something. The last time I used it was a couple of months ago to design new front step stringers for my parents house.

    The PhotoShop I only use for producing all white versions of my customer’s logos with transparent backgrounds for presentations wit cover slides with dark backgrounds. I got hat through work as well. I was having sex with a woman from the creative department who would request the disks and keys and let me copy them. Given that I had very limited use for it I never bothered to try to update it after I left and we stopped havign sex.

    Maybe I cuold find someone to have sex with for PS CS 6.

  • I’m not sure that all of the tools that I use will run in Linux. I’m using Visual Studio to write Great Cow BASIC. I’ll probably give it a try and see what happens. I have several pieces of software that are quite old (AutoCAD 2001, PhotoShop CS4, etc) that I keep around because they aren’t the new subscription based everything you produce is ours bullshit. I guess I could run windows in a VM to run those.

  • I’m my sure that all of the tools that I use will run in Linux. I’m using Visual Studio to write Great Cow BASIC. I’ll probably give it a try and see what happens. I have several pieces of software that are quite old (AutoCAD 2001, PhotoShop CS4, etc) that I keep around because they aren’t the new subscription based everything you produce is ours bullshit. I guess I could run windows in a VM to run those.

  • Point to where I said that people who don’t eat meat are extremists. Point to anywhere in this thread where I said anything at all about everyday run of the mill vegans. Anywhere?


    I have been very clear about the fact that I’m talking about vegan EXTREMISTS, religious EXTREMISTS, racial EXTREMISTS, etc. They all suffer the same pathological wrong thought that they are morally or racially or religiously or nationally or sexually or ethnically superior which excuses anything that they do to anyone who they see as inferior.

    Vegan extremists harass and attempt to intimidate business owners into complying with their demands. They harassed and intimidate their customers to try to drive them away and force them to comply and to harm the businesses. They harass farmers. They ragesturbate in discussion forums to try to harass people into doing as they say. They then self-absolve by convincing themselves that their crusade is righteous and anything that they do or say is justified.

    They are wrong.

  • Do you know why no one takes you seriously? It’s because you lie and exaggerate and over dramatize in order to try to bully everyone into doing what you want. Extremists, ALL extremists, are the same. You all think that you’re somehow superior to the people you don’t agree with and that that superiority justifies anything that you do or say to them in order to bully them into compliance with your extremist beliefs. This pathological self-absolution is the hallmark of all extremists: vegan extremists, religious extremists, racial extremists, anti-choise extremists, anti-LGBTQ extremists…you’re all the same and everyone can see that.

    The thing that you don’t understand is that I (and the vast majority of people) don’t give the first fuck what a self-absolving extremist with a pathologically misguided sense of absolute moral supremacy thinks.

    You’re not here for a conversation. You’re here for ragesturbation. You people get off on rage. Sorry…I’m laughing at you, not raging.

    EDIT: An vegan extremist apologist takes a run at me down in this thread. They misquote, misrepresent, hurl childish insults, and use an ineffective series of strawman arguments. They’re not trying to have a conversation. They had no intention of having a conversation. They’re trying to bully me into being quiet. It didn’t work. Take time to read the thread. It’s good for a laugh.