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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • it’s a niche game that i know little about, have no interest in, and definitely am not going to shell out money for; he’s bitter that I don’t care and I’m not impressed that a franchise older than I am shat out another entry.

    This you? This was what I was referring to when I was saying you were being negative. You knew basically nothing about the franchise and yet automatically assume it’s shit. For the record, neither do I, but I don’t make judgements based off of zero evidence

  • I started messing around with Linux when I was ~15. I was trying to install it on an old laptop so I could actually use it. I started with Debian before moving to Linux mint. Eventually I bought a raspberry pi and started to tinker with that and made my own website for shits and giggles. Eventually, I kinda stopped tinkering with Linux for a while

    Flash forward a few years and my job has a piece of software that boots into a live gentoo environment in order to perform hard drive wiping, and I got a lot more familiar with the Linux command line (bash in this case) as I had to do a lot of troubleshooting as well as testing as I was in technical support and then later QA. This was also my first experience with VI, as I had to edit configuration files while inside of the live environment.

    At that point, I started to experiment with Linux again, and even managed to install arch on my laptop. I did end up switching to Manjaro as my daily driver, as I couldn’t be assed to spend enough time to get arch working how I needed. I also now have an Ubuntu server (I know) that I use as a media and game server, and continue to daily drive manjaro though I’m planning on switching to EndeavorOS soon.