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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • Also if we give it the benefit of the doubt (and it really is a stretch to make this work lol): I could make the argument that this person meant to write: “The movie has such a terrible premise, yet it was successful enough to have two sequels. Learning how it got that success despite the material’s premise taught me these 5 things about product management:” and just worded it terribly.

  • I’d argue that with their definition of bots as “a software application that runs automated tasks over the internet” and later their definition of download bots as “Download bots are automated programs that can be used to automatically download software or mobile apps.”, automated software updates could absolutely be counted as bot activity by them.

    Of course, if they count it as such, the traffic generated that way would fall into the 17.3% “good bot” traffic and not in the 30.2% “bad bot” traffic.

    Looking at their report, without digging too deep into it, I also find it concerning that they seem to use “internet traffic” and “website traffic” interchangeably.

  • Without knowing any specifics of the TOS or the exact setup beyond what I could gather in this thread: generally speaking they could still send you a bill through email or otherwise.

    After that, if you’re not paying up, they might be able to successfully get the money out of you through court regardless, depending on a few factors. What’s more likely for smaller sums is that they’ll just drop it and ban you though.

    IANAL of course.

  • Suddenly you have a 26+ character password that you don’t forget and doesn’t compromise you across other services because each is different.

    It depends on what is compromised and how the attacker operates. If the attacker has your plaintext password instead of just a (hopefully salted) hash AND targets you individually instead of just having your password in a giant list of login-info to automatically try on other services then it’s trivially easy to guess that e.g. your Spotify password is <Spotify>yogurt</Spotify>.

  • I’ve seen this reposted on the original 196 on Reddit multiple times so saying this is the worst 196 on the basis of this meme being posted makes no sense.

    Also nazis are very unlikely to be participating in this community anyway, and if they are then they are either hiding to the point of indistinguishably or getting the ban-hammer really quickly. In the latter case, the problem is solved by the mods and in the former case, with the internet’s anonymity, someone fully to be a member of a digital community is just a regular member of the community.

    Tankies on the other hand share many more values with the core demographic of this community so they might be less inclined to fully hide their views and their views simmering through might not immediately get them a ban (depending on what they let shine through, of course).