• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 5th, 2024


  • Do you watch every video available? I certainly can’t. So I make use of teasers and descriptions. That’s what they’re there and useful for.

    Sure, me too, but when you literally say “Instant disqualification for me” that’s an insane reaction. You should know when reading a summary that it’s not a perfect representation of the source. Even human-written summaries or articles very often misunderstand or misrepresent their sources, many times stating the exact opposite of the source because of it. This obviously happens with AI summaries as well. The “instant disqualification” is what you can’t excuse.

  • Reasoning and “thinking” can arise as emergent properties of this system. Not everything the model says is backed up by direct data. As you surely know, you’ve heard of AI hallucinations.

    I believe the researchers in that experiment allowed the model to write out its thoughts to a separate place where only they could read them.

    By god, watch the video and not the crappy AI-generated summary. This man is one of the best AI safety explainers in the world. You don’t have to agree with everything he says, but I think you’ll agree with the vast majority of it.

  • I want to apologize in advance for the aggressive tone in this comment. It’s the only thing that comes out. I’m not angry at you, not at all - I’m angry at videogame publishers and at the current situation.

    Has “vote with your wallet” ever worked? Literally ever? Maybe when the stars align. If the path to a better world requires everyone to be educated, and it’s more convenient for the vast majority of everyone to just keep going with whatever shitty system is currently being used, then nothing will change.

    You know what works? Government regulation. Remember the ozone layer? Have you noticed how it’s not a problem anymore? That’s not because everyone got together and agreed to “vote with their wallet” by never buying anything that depleted ozone, which requires a crazy amount of research with every purchase. No, it was solved by the government (or governments?) banning the sale of anything ozone-depleting and cracking down on it. That’s what works.

    Voting with your wallet is an illusion.