Just an UwU boi living in an OwO world

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


    • OS: Manjaro
    • DE: KDE Plasma 5
    • Global: Scratchy
    • Plasma Style, Window Decorations, and Colors are customized and don’t remember their sources, sorry
    • Icons: Colorful-Dark-Icons
    • Cursor: Breeze

    I know there’s a lot of defaults in here, but this has been my daily driver for 6 years now and been loving this setup

  • While I agree, most people shouldn’t have to be concerned with it, you can’t deny the resource impacts of various languages, libraries and frameworks, like compare the memory usage of Discord or Teams with those of FOSS chat applications, and you’ll notice those two consistently eating much more memory. You can also compare compute speeds of a higher level language like Python vs lower level languages like Rust and you’ll find that Rust is quite a bit faster (though generally takes more dev time). So yes, users shouldn’t have to be concerned with involved languages, but if you’re running something on a low-resource device, such as a Raspberry Pi, those little details can make all the difference.