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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • That’s uhhhhh not what money laundering is.

    In so far as it’s being used as described it would be a highly inefficient way to do that so I think the much simpler explanation (Trump just wants money so he put his name on some random garbage for a cut of the profits just like Trump Steaks, Trump University, Trump Airlines, etc) makes more sense.

  • I’m not the target demographic obviously but I used to have a PS2 and I was loosely following news, thinking of getting a PS5 during Covid but couldn’t find one. Then I just stopped thinking about it until right now.

    I bet there were a lot of people like me. Sales could have been much higher.

  • Maybe my math is wrong somewhere but I converted to dollars, multiplied the monthly amount by 12, and divided by 2080 (52 weeks*40hrs) and got $7/hr.

    If they’re excited about the “millions” being helped by a 5% increase to $7/hr their economy is probably not a good comparison to the US.

  • One fast food chain might have increased the price of one sandwich, that doesn’t mean “the price of everything” has “at least” doubled. The price of everything weighed together has increased 24%. We monitor these things scientifically and consistently across time to get as accurate a number as is possible.

    You can’t refute that by extrapolating the price of one sandwich from one chain in one cherry picked time frame.

  • I feel like it would work better as a show with like 5 gay men. That way you get reaction shots of gay men judging straight men trying to act gay, and things actually progress romantically. I feel like anyone who thinks they are the one straight guy might just act like a sexually conservative gay man, the pressure will be on when people start talking about things getting more sexual.