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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
    to196@lemmy.blahaj.zonejpg rule
    22 days ago

    I used to think my desire to play female characters was a “closeted trans” thing. It’s not. I’m definitely a cis gendered male. I’ve realized, at least for me, it’s more of a self worth thing. I don’t want to play as something I don’t particularly like, such as me, and so I play something as opposite as possible. I’m working on that, tho.

  • Not gonna bother with the nuance-missing ad hom attacks. Just this one.

    We aren’t talking about race, honey. If they think you can just swap labels you REALLY don’t understand what’s going on. No surprise.

    If you can’t see that it is 100% an equivalent situation, you have no idea why people are actually upset and just want to join the noise.

    Also, don’t call me honey. It’s really degrading, id expect better from someone like you.

  • Toxic masculinity is applying that mentality to something inherent to men. So, man up, sack up, nut up, etc. The implication is that if you are not masculine, you should start being so. You got nuts, use em. Pretty toxic.

    How about “grow up” “act an adult” or the like, at least then we’re not tying ability to change and be better with genital status.

  • One of these things (bathing) is a trait you can have, and change. The other (maleness) is one that you cannot (reasonably, for most people) change.

    It’s easy enough to be told “I don’t want to interact with you because you smell” - I can change that with just a bit of effort. It sucks to hear “I’d rather interact with a bear, because you’re a male.” That’s something I have no control over. You’re telling me that a fundamental aspect of my existence means that I’m a threat to you, and that I can’t be trusted around.

    Quite simply, replace “man” with “black person” and try the whole experiment again, you’ll probably see how gross the argument is.

  • Stopping the progressive downfall of society is on all of society, period. What’s the end game of alienating half the race?

    You’re right about one thing. Women can’t make men not rape, and it doesn’t really fall to them. Does it fall to the good guys, though? The ones who already don’t rape and stand up to their peers who have toxic ideas? And, really, are you reaching anyone who needs to hear it with rhetoric like this?

    Changing society is a game everyone has to be on board with. Everyone makes up society, so you can’t just tell half of them they’re not fit and expect it just to work out. Sure, not all men, but quite frankly I’m tired of having to be “one of the good ones”. We already decided labeling someone one of the good ones wasn’t right with black people, we really need to have that fight again?