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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023

  • OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    7 months ago

    Plus “math skills” is one of those areas where stereotypes and self-fulfilling prophesies have incredibly influential power.

    Math is difficult for everyone, and emotional factors like, “having the confidence of yourself and your peers” are important in making it through difficulty.

  • I wish to also shill:

    The Greatest Estate Developer is about a civil engineer who gets Isekai’d into a novel (as one does in a webcomic) and is granted some magic powers (as often happens in webcomics).

    He pretty quickly declares that his goal is to build enough modern amenities (and swindle enough of his neighbors) so that he can retire and relax for the rest of his life.

    But, you know, there’s giant monsters (because it’s a webcomic) and rival dukedoms, and imperial intrigue, and he keeps finding himself in the middle of it all.

    There’s a lot of comedy, and a ridiculous bromance between him and the novel’s main character.

    But I’ll look into Terror Island and Pixel.

  • If you’d like to know who this guy is, here’s a paragraph about him on History.com

    One such erasure was Nikola Yezhov, a secret police official who oversaw ██████ purges. For a while Yezhov worked at ██████ right hand, interrogating, falsely accusing and ordering the execution of thousands of Communist Party officials. But in 1938, Yezhov fell from ██████ favor after being usurped by one of his own deputies. He was denounced, secretly arrested, tried in a secret court, and executed.

  • OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    11 months ago

    I’m cis. The flag does not belong to me. It does not describe me. You can ignore my complaints…

    But nevertheless, my neurodivergent brain is very bothered by the fact that there are only four panels, with the backgrounds going, “blue, pink, white, pink…”

    Why is there no fifth panel?

  • I like this logic. Killing should be a last resort.

    Further, if I had a billion dollars to spend, I’d sooner spend it on organizations like Life After Hate and get them the resources necessary to deconvert and deprogram Nazis than I would on any iteration of our current system of playing whack-a-mole with their censor-evading code words. Or on some Nazi-killing executioner.

    I hate how quick people are to advocate giving up on their fellow humans.

  • OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonemurder is murder
    11 months ago

    I think most people (on every part of the political spectrum, unfortunately) believe that restorative justice is the same thing as punitive justice.

    And it’s hard to explain to someone who thinks they are the same that “making someone suffer” can be independent and separate from “righting someone’s wrongs.” That you can be anti-suffering and pro-reparation.

    It’s kind of like this: there are languages that don’t have a word for green. The people who grow up speaking these languages have a harder time distinguishing different shades of green.

    You say, “I don’t want that shade of green.” And these people respond, “the hell is wrong with you!? We agreed we wanted this blue-yellow color that you call green! Now you’re saying you want less green instead of more? Green is good!” Because they genuinely cannot see what you’re advocating against and what you’re advocating for.

    Just like how it’s nearly impossible for me to explain to a pro-capitalist that there is a difference between a workers’ cooperative and a public traded corporation. The person will say, “they’re both businesses” even though to me that’s like saying dictatorships and democracies are, “both governments.”

    But the difference is missing from their vocabulary. And because of that, they don’t even know how to approach it and think about it and express their thoughts on it. Because they don’t even have the words to describe it.

  • OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonemurder is murder
    11 months ago

    You replied to my accidentally deleted comment (which probably isn’t deleted on your instance.) I really wish Liftoff didn’t put the edit button right next to the delete button. But oh well.

    Did the children abuse and own slaves? No? Then who the fuck said kill the kids too. Imagine fucking defending slave owners and saying they don’t deserve to be out to death. Imagine defending the most evil atrocities imaginable. Do you think the Nazis shouldn’t have been put to death? Because the slave owners did worse than the Nazis ever did.

    Edit: also no one fucking stepped aside. They fought a fucking war over it remember. You don’t get to start a war to enslave humans and then cry peace I surrender when you start to actually suffer the consequences.

    Try defending black people like you defend slave owners.

    I believe in life sentences, not death sentences. I would have been fine if the Nazis had been thrown in prison to serve non-commutable life sentences for their crimes. I would have preferred it.

    But the entire reason the Civil War didn’t stick was because slaveowners kept their property. Not because they kept their lives.

    who the fuck said kill the kids too

    Dude. Their kids grew up and enslaved black people using “prisons” and Jim Crow laws. And they were able to do this because they wielded the power they inherited from their slaveowning parents. If you leave the kids this power, then you’re going to need to kill them eventually for committing the same crimes.

    Just take away their power! Imprison as many of the slaveowners if you can. And then leave it at that.

    The South surrendered unconditionally. If I had a time machine, and could influence the North’s decisions, I would take their property because that would actually accomplish something. But I would not take any more lives than were absolutely necessary.

    Because I don’t want to be on the side that kills more people than is necessary.

  • OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonemurder is murder
    11 months ago

    Yes. And it’s horrible! And we should have done more!

    We should – like I said – have stripped property from the slaveowners. They surrendered unconditionally! The North could have done with them as it liked.

    It should have confiscated the property of everyone who profited from slavery prior to the war, and given that property to the slaves. And yes, the North should have killed as many people (be they slaveowners or bootlickers) as was necessary to carry out that transfer of property.

    Station troops on the plantations. Shoot everyone who shows up with torches to burn them down and deprive former slaves of their newfound wealth.

    But what I’m trying to say is: no more than that number. No more killing than is absolutely necessary to achieve that goal.

    We should be imagining Jeff Bezos in prison, not dead. You don’t want to make allies out of the people who want him dead. Those people are not good friends.

  • OwenEverbinde@lemmy.myserv.oneto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonemurder is murder
    11 months ago

    if every slave owner and klansman were put to death for their heinous crimes

    Their property would have passed to their heirs.

    If your only available tool was killing people, then maybe you could have followed it up by killing their children?

    But then you have to contend with the fact that your movement (and the people you have handed weapons to) are now a very specific subset of communists – “communists who are okay with killing children.” You can’t build a country off of that!

    If on the other hand you have some way of stopping slaveowners’ heirs from receiving their fortunes without killing those heirs, then you clearly have some tool that can void the property of the slaveowners themselves without killing them.

    And once again, if you choose to kill the slaveowners despite possessing such a tool, then you wind up building your movement off of, “people who are fine with killing when it’s no longer necessary.” After that, it’s no surprise when that movement starts blowing up a bunch of members of Hungarian soviets – the very people the movement claims to protect – with tanks.

    Yeah, I think their plantations should have been taken from them. Yeah, I think Klansmen should have been stripped of everything they owned.

    But once you’re powerful enough to do that, you’re also powerful enough to do that without killing them.

    If they throw their bodies in front of the Orphan Crushing Machine, don’t let that stop your bullets. But if they step aside, you have a choice: align yourself with people who kill when they don’t need to, or align yourself with people who avoid killing whenever possible.

    One of those is better than the other.