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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • For me, I want to switch fully, but I’m missing a key extension - it’s a trivial one, but it’s important to the way I work and organize information. It’s called tabnotes (I think?) and it lets you turn your new tab page into a blank note pad where the first 10 or so characters actually rename the tab they occupy. It persists in memory through crashes and has become integral to my daily workflow. It’s offline, no accounts/login needed and it’s a different note in every tab, not the same note persisting.

    This extension allows me to cleanly, easily label windows full of tabs by subject so I can quickly jump between them and reference at a glance. There are things that come close to this functionality on Firefox and some browsers working on native tab groups functionality (last I’d checked wasn’t fully baked), but none I’ve seen that fully recreate it, so I’m still struck on chromium browsers for now.

    Edit: I think this is the version I use, credit to Maciej Szafraniec https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tab-notes/mhgiefelomcdfcdbknkkohpibdpbdhmo