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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I’m not the guy you replied to, but MS fonts are kinda free to download. Not free enough they can just put them into a package but there’s a defined method for downloading them. Most distros have a package that will automatically do this. On Debian it’s ttf-mscorefonts-installer which will download the fonts and install them when it gets to the configuration part of the package install. You can probably search for a similar package for your distro.

  • From the article:

    The browser extensions, which are hosted on the Mozilla store, were made unavailable in the Land of Putin on or around June 8 after a request by the Russian government and its internet censorship agency, Roskomnadzor.

    or to enable Russia to interfere with the extensions’ code for their own ends?

    Well for the extensions that are open source it is possible for Russia to meddle with the code, but they’d have to get past code review. But this is concern for anything open source not just Mozilla stuff. It’s rare that something gets bad gets into an open source project, but it did happen a few months ago with ssh. Didn’t get past testing and required someone to work on open source projects for years before they got a level of trust to get something pulled into main source tree. So it’s basically the equivalent of getting a job at a company for years just to put malware into some proprietary software. Which could also happen, but if there’s a good code review process it shouldn’t happen.

    Excepting those kind of weird scenarios, unless they’re extensions made by a Russian company that Moscow control over, then no, the extensions wouldn’t have been fiddled with by the Russian government. And if they were extensions the Russian government had the ability to change, they wouldn’t be trying to ban them.

  • What impact? You mean having Russians use a browser that allows the state to spy on them? If someone goes to prison for using Firefox to post something critical of the government, is that the impact Mozilla wants to have?

    At a certain point you have to say “if the government of an authoritarian makes it illegal to use our browser because we aren’t going along with them spying on their citizens then so be it.”

    It’s debatable at what point a software company becomes morally complicit with the oppression done by an authoritarian government. But it seems to me the wisest choice is to say “this is our software, take it or leave it.”

  • We do it so often we have a term for it: compound words.

    I would explain more but I gotta turn off my desktop computer and do some chores like loading the dishwasher and cleaning up the bathroom before I sit down and watch the baseball game this afternoon before my girlfriend comes over.

  • The law has the concept of consideration and there is a level of judgment used on these kinds of things. Intent is part of the law too. Which means if someone falsely puts a cheap price for a product to get you into a store (or something like that) they’ll likely be on the hook for that, it’s false advertising. But if someone simply made a typo and the price on offer doesn’t line up to reasonable consideration, then it’s not binding. There was no intent to deceive, and the price isn’t reasonable consideration for the product.

    So while there may be times you may be able to benefit from someone making a mistake, there will be many times you won’t. That’s not a bad thing since the same law protects you if you make a mistake. If someone puts into the fine print of a contact that you should give them all of your possessions, and you didn’t notice it, the law would also throw that out because they didn’t offer reasonable consideration for your possessions.

    So you don’t have recourse (nor should you) in the scenario where someone made an honest mistake like with a typo. Sucks that for a moment you thought you were getting a laptop for a ridiculously cheap price, but think about what it would mean on the other end. You’d be getting a laptop without paying a reasonable price for it, the company would have to eat the cost, and some poor bastard would probably be fired for making a typo. Is a cheap laptop really worth someone else losing their job?

  • Yeah and in the past Cosmopolitan Jew didn’t mean all Jews. That is until the mask was dropped.

    Zionist Jew is the same sort of thing. Many people won’t go along with full on antisemitism so antisemites will trick people by saying it’s not all Jews they’re against.

    The mask is starting to drop on this movement too. We’re seeing Jewish communities, Jewish Hospitals, and Synagogues being targeted be the “Free Palestine” movement now. Not something you’ll hear about on TikTok.

  • The article is saying that it was a mistake to ever negotiate with Hamas. Are you saying you agree with that? There’s currently a negotiation for a ceasefire with Hamas, by negotiating with Hamas that would be “propping them up” according to this article. So I’m concluding from this you’re against there being a ceasefire. Is that correct?

    I don’t think it is. You’re not thinking about anything rationally, you’re reading everything you see as “Israel is evil” without any kind of critical analysis. You have no coherent position on anything other than you hate Israel. You’re dog whistling antisemitism, and you may not even be aware of it because you’re just repeating whatever you see in TikTok, certain that if you emulate the righteous anger you’re seeing from those you have a para-social relationships with you’ll be in the right.

    Going along with the group on antisemitism isn’t anything invented by TikTok. It’s just concentrated it and made it much more addictive.

  • I’m not surprised Hamas leaders are rich, they’ve been funded by Israel. Also, good job proving my point that you see any criticism of Israel as Hamas sympathy.

    Do you criticize the people cosplaying as Hamas in the photos of basically every Palestinian protest I see? Maybe you should tell them that Hamas is funded by the Jews.

    You’ve gone too deep. You’ve fallen prey to the old antisemitic ideas that the Jews are secretly puppeteering every bad thing that happens in the world. This is a very old pattern we’ve seen before. Keep people constantly angry so they can’t think straight. Inject conspiracy theories about an ethnic group doing evil things. Tell people they can’t trust anything that disagrees with the narrative because they’re secretly in league with that evil ethnic group.

    Kind of on the nose that you’re going with the Jews being the secret puppet masters. I mean it should be obvious by now what those conspiracy theories lead to. Look at the photos of German cities at the end of WWII. That is the end result of this kind of rhetoric. Then when you look at the images of Gaza being blasted at you non-stop, you might start to understand the pattern that you’re a part of.

    It’s not the Jews that made Hamas what it is, that’s just an insane antisemitic conspiracy theory. It’s hatred towards Jews that made it what it is. October 7 happened because of hatred towards Jews. You’re witnessing the destruction caused by hatred. You should ask more questions about the hatred that they’re creating within you.

    There was hope that the younger generation wouldn’t fall for this kind of thing. But the cycle just continues on. Maybe the next generation will understand that they aren’t too special to not become a part of this cycle of hatred and will be able to break it.

    History does not judge those that promote antisemitism well.

  • I’ve learned long ago from many conversations with MAGAs that the request for evidence is a tactic to get someone to waste their time. If I provided you evidence it would be rejected as being from a biased media or some other excuse. The indoctrinated cannot be convinced by words on the internet because you can always find other words on the internet that say the opposite.

    But maybe take a moment to consider that you’re behaving in the exact same way as the MAGA crowd when the sources of their narratives are questioned. Do you really want to be like the MAGAs? Not able to question the motives of people that are shoving out endless narratives that making you constantly angry? Is that who you want to be? Someone that’s made to be constantly angry and just trusting that authoritarians would never try to manipulate you?

    Do you think Xi Jinping is a good guy in the same way as the MAGAs think Vldimir Putin is a good guy? Yeah they’re authoritarians but they’d never ever cross the line and use their power to manipulate you… right?

  • Lately if someone says they think the media is controlled by the Jews, I can’t be sure if I’m talking to a MAGA type or a kid that’s spent too much time on TikTok. Only real distinction is the TikTok crowd will tend to use the word “Zionist” while the MAGAs will use the word “Globalist” but it’s ultimately the same antisemitic narrative.

    My discussions with TikTokers and MAGAs have the exact same form. Basically it’s like trying to deprogram someone that’s been indoctrinated into a cult. The narrative that makes them feel righteous anger is more important than reality. Someone that’s addicted to righteous anger will reject any information that doesn’t conform to the narrative that keeps them angry.

    Yeah it might hurt to hear that you’re just a susceptible to the same kinds of narratives the MAGAs fall prey to. You’re human just as they are, and emotional manipulation on social media is commonplace. You may be angry about different things than the MAGAs are angry about, but it’s the exact same pattern.

    Everyone that’s addicted to righteous anger will say the same thing: “I’m differnet from the other angry people because what I’m angry about is true, I don’t care what the mainstream media is saying!” The behavior of people getting their news from TikTok isn’t really different from the behaviour of boomers that spread around racist memes on facebook. Only the target of their anger is different.

  • Yeah all social media sucks. They’re all run by psychopaths. But a psychopath will do what’s in their own best interests and therefore don’t want to see the country they live in country brought down. You don’t shit where you eat.

    So which country do the psychos making the TikTok algorithms live in?

    They have no incentive to ensure their algorithms don’t cause political destabilization in the US or other western countries. In fact there may be incentives going the other way.

    Unless you want to pretend that lemmy or other social media is actively discussing the Uyghurs right now I don’t think this is a very valid point.

    Top search result for “Uyghurs” on lemmy: https://lemmy.ca/post/5945175

    Top Search result for “Uyghurs” on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alicerehemutula/video/7197149227728768298?q=uyghurs&t=1710720741130

    If you understand anything about the internet you know there’s too much information for a person to see everything. Which means that you don’t have to explicitly remove content (though the Chinese government does a lot of that too) you just need to tweak the algorithm to so that no one sees it. Generally someone in the west searching for Uyghurs is likely to want to find out about how the Chinese government is mistreating them. Yet TikTok’s algorithm conveniently de-prioritizes that kind of content.

    It’s not hard to be informed and it’s incredibly hypocritical of you when you couldn’t even be bothered to fact check your own assumptions.

    We’re starting to see a lot of young people have a similar level of distrust in news media to the MAGA crowd. Again it’s not purely about having access to information on the internet, it’s whether people will actually look at that information. If you’ve been conditioned to think that everyone is wrong if they disagree with the people you’ve formed unhealthy parasocial relationships with, then it’s a serious problem. Especially since TikTok targets a very young demographic who are susceptible to these parasocial relationships.

  • Parent company is operated out of China, actually company is operated out of Singapore, US, Europe.

    Where do they make decisions about the algorithm that decides what you’re seeing on TikTok? That’s what’s relevant here.

    Also Huawei played similar games, but we later found out how connected it was basically just a branch of the Chinese government. If you believe the shell company shenanigans, it’s probably because you’ve spent a lot of time on TikTok.

    You referring to Hamas? They barely have Internet access, and they certainly don’t get any special treatment on the app.

    I’m pretty sure the billionaire leaders of Hamas living in palaces in Qatar have internet access. Did Tik Tok not tell you that there are literal billionaires that are leaders of Hamas? Loses some of the appeal when you realize it isn’t some rag tag group of freedom fighters but actually a fascist movement that wants to restore the ethnic makeup of a region to how it was in old maps. Something to think about when you see people cosplaying as Hamas at the protests.

    And TikTok has been allegedly suppressing any videos talking about that subject.

    Did you hear this on TikTok?

    Wrong. The only people making me hate my government is my government. I actually realized that Republicans pushed me left, but it was mostly the left that pushed me so far left that I want my guns back.

    You don’t even have a cohesive concept of any kind of politics, other than hating your own government. Where did that come from? You obviously don’t put a lot of thought into political issues if you swing from one party to the next and you admit the only consistency you have is a hatred of your own government. You’ve just proven my point about TikTok influencing you into hating your government.

    You don’t understand how many people are on the app and their demographics do you?

    Somewhere between 150 to 170 million Americans get their news from TikTok. Do you think that if there’s more people getting news from a source where the relevant news stories could be decided by an authoritarian country somehow makes it less of a concern?

    We know a lot of people use TikTok, and we know that ultimately authoritarians decide what is shown to people on that site. We know that people on TikTok are being fed disinformation, we know that people are being pushed towards being sympathetic towards terrorist movements. It has all of the signs of a campaign to destabilize western countries. But maybe TikTok has influenced you towards wanting to destroy your own country.

  • So there’s an app that’s operated out of an authoritarian country that’s spewing propaganda from a terrorist organization that’s making you hate your own democratic government.

    You can’t understand why people might have some concerns over this if Tik Tok is your only source of information. And that only adds to the concerns over Tik Tok.

    How angry are is the Tik Tok crowd over how China treats the Uighurs? It’s all ok as long as you don’t witness it on Tik Tok, right?

  • I’ve always said that Turing’s Imitation Game is a flawed way to determine if an AI is actually intelligent. The flaw is the assumption that humans are intelligent.

    Humans are capable of intelligence, but most of the time we’re just responding to stimulus in predictable ways.

  • What’s bigoted? Thinking that Palestinians are people and are therefore responsible for their actions?

    And I did mention that Palestinian fascism has a lot of support from the outside. Oil rich assholes, Iran, naive westerners. Lots of outside support which keeps Palestinian leaders corrupt and authoritarian. Which is the major obstacle for Palestinian statehood. Not that most people care about that, it’s only maintaining a righteous anger that matters, right? Hamas might’ve faded from existence if it weren’t for this.

    See the emotional narratives have gotten you so wound up you don’t have any rational arguments anymore. So just default to calling anyone you disagree a bigot and refuse to think about anything that conflicts with your emotions.