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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • For SSD’s, it’s 100% a logical table, because data is stored all over the place for load balancing purposes, so it already uses a logical table to keep track of what each block is for at any given point in time.

    For HDD’s, historically they were physically separated, and they mostly are still, but there’s still a logical table, and there’s no reason the logical table can’t say “Blocks 0 through 1234 and 2000 are part of partition 1” if you have something somewhere else that you want on that partition.

  • Oh, I misunderstood, I didn’t realize in this scenario you were asking them if they were nonbinary. The linguistic answer is everything in Spanish defaults to masculine.

    I, personally, would treat it the same as I treat the pronoun game here in the US, because it’s essentially the same thing: I start with whichever one jumps out at me and accept correction if necessary, because they are the ones who made the decision to make their grammatical identifiers differ from convention. It’s not my responsibility to know it ahead of time.

    If they want to be a dick about it, I now know they’re not someone I want to spend time around anyway.

  • It sounds stupid, but the chatbot is actually right. The person saying the phrase would pick one based on how they view or present themselves. It’s not a disparagement to say that a non-binary individual has a gender with respect to Spanish grammatical structure, because quite literally everything does. Chairs are feminine, days are masculine, etc.

  • Kind of. They only have 2 legs, so they’re not as stable as a traditional mount, but they get up to 300 pounds and can run almost 45 mph, so their legs are certainly strong enough to carry a 120-ish pound woman slowly around a safe enclosure. It’s not really practical, but it can be done.

  • There’s an incorrect assumption here that makes the whole math portion meaningless. That assumption is that ancestors must be unique.

    In reality, you can have two parents each having two children, and then those two children having two children, etc.

    Hell, you can do it with two initial parents, and then each generation only having 1 child, which then mates with its parents, and then the family tree looks kind of like a braid.

    So, in reality, you only need 12 ancestors to be the 12th generation. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

  • Actually, I was referring to ‘it.’

    People don’t like using it for people, because it’s traditionally only really used for objects (“It’s a chair!” ) or creatures where the gender isn’t identifiable or doesn’t matter (“It’s a bear!”) , but that’s the exact use case here.

    A nonbinary person is a creature whose gender is either not identifiable or doesn’t matter.

    People just decided that it meant nonbinary people were objects, when in reality we use it for objects because they were the only truly nonbinary concepts we had.

  • Yeah, but you’re using it to mean “I don’t know which pronoun to use.” This is a different meaning than what’s being describes here.

    What’s being described here is a person who decided that they don’t want to be referred to as he or she, and has chosen to make themselves plural instead of using the singular nongendered pronoun already present in English.

    Since that is a grammatical error, and this is the internet, I am obligated to ridicule this person, regardless of how well their meaning is conveyed.

    /s, by the way.