• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • I use Jellyfin. I think in your use case, each user would be setup have their own library. You can enable or disable library on a per user basis as will as a per client basis.

    Downside is that the default web interface isn’t great as a music player. It does the job but it’s not great.
    Other hand, multiple music-first clients exist for a lot of different platforms. Odds are good you can find a client that suits how you listen to music.

    Edit: said collection when I meant library.

  • @tal has already given a really good answer. To add to it, this thread might help you some: https://lemmy.sdf.org/comment/11963996 I was asked what I thought was “better” than a raspberry pi. Came back with an eBay search and a trio of suggestions in the price range of a Pi 4. TLDR is whatever you have currently will probably work fine but if you need to buy hardware, there are plenty of low cost options. And of course, Pi’s also work fine for anything they are capable of, which is most things.

    When I started self hosting, Raspberry Pi’s were the cheapest option available. I learned fairly quickly that the SD card was the weakest part of them but not long after the Pi3 came out we were able to boot off of USB drives which solved that issue. I think I had 8 SSDs hanging off of one pi before I finally decided to plop down the money for a tower. I then added a pair of 6 port SATA cards and added even more storage to that system. Eventually I was hosting so many things that I was running out of RAM, So I bought a second used tower, this one with a much newer processor and a lot more RAM. Now I run both with the old system running as a NAS and the new system hosting my other services. I wouldn’t stress about hardware too much. Hardware can grow with you, to a point.

    Mini PCs are too small to house internal drives

    Most mini PCs I’ve heard of (and quite a few thin clients) use m.2 drives for internal storage. Not difficult to upgrade. I’ve also heard of a few that had ports and internal space for 2.5 inch SSDs.

  • Sure, but “better” is massively subjective. For me, when I set up a pi, I’m not usually making use of the GPIO or the camera inputs. I’m generally throwing together a headless server. To do that, in addition to the board itself, I need storage, power, heat sinks, an fan and usually some sort of case.

    Using the prices at CanaKit as a rough guide, you can come up with this search on Ebay.

    The first entry I saw drew my attention. It’s a 7th gen i5 with 16GB RAM and a 120 GB SSD. Not sure the 500 GB HDD would survive shipping, but it’s $100 shipped. Biggest concern is that the seller only has 65 sales. Possible scam?

    On the higher end of that bracket there is this. 6th gen and only 8GB RAM, but the seller does have a history.

    With the prices on the Pi5 your potentially getting into the price range where it might make sense to look at the Beelinks mini PCs, based around a 12th gen Intel.

    Like I said, prices right now are at a spot where I can’t just say throw a Raspberry Pi at the problem. They are great boards but for someone self-hosting their own services they don’t necessarily always make sense anymore.

  • If you mean for ARM based systems (not just SBCs), I would agree, but the software and support ecosystems for amd64 systems far surpasses even the rPi ecosystem because you have backwards compatibility with a lot of the legacy x86-64 and x86 code. And because they support UEFI, distributions don’t need to explicitly support your particular version of your ARM processor so you can run pretty much whatever OS you want.

    Not long ago I saw a one of those old small Dell Optiplex workstations with a 4th gen i3, 8GB ram and a 256GB SSD on Amazon for $100 USD. There’s a new BeeLink with an N100, 16 GB RAM, and 500 GB SSD for $200. They’d both be great for any home lab project that doesn’t need the GPIO of the rPi. And they are both in the same price range.

    Don’t get me wrong, if I needed to kitbash a desktop or small server together in a hurry, I would probably be using a Pi3 or Pi4 because I’ve 6 of them collecting dust from when my self hosted services outgrew their available compute. I replaced them with a keyboard damaged laptop with a 6th gen i5 and my old desktop with a 4th gen i5. But if I needed to buy something today, I’d be doing some price comparisons first.

    If you like Pi’s, use them. They are great kit. But if price or (more recently) power consumption are your primary consideration, it’s no longer as simple a choice as it was pre-pandemic. It’s worth looking around now.

    Of course, none of this applies if you need the GPIO. But then you’re looking for project boards, not desktop or home server systems. Different set of criteria. And a different set of head aches.

  • Been able to use rPis as a desktop for a while now. The 2s and 3s weren’t particularly pleasant but it was doable. The Pi 4 8GB with an USB3 jump drive as root partition was a lot more pleasant, at least until you hit thermal throttle.

    Right now though, there are more powerful options in the same price point, once you account for power, storage and optionally, a case. At least for desktop and home server use.

    The Raspberry Pi’s just aren’t the go to hardware for the home lab anymore. Probably won’t be again unless the price comes back down on the Pi’s or the price on new and used amd64’s goes back up.

  • I didn’t use early generation smart phones and was completely bewildered when I discovered apps often used swiping left/right to interact. No app I had used before ever indicated that was an option. I suggested we should add indicators to our app to teach people but that was rejected because “everyone knows that”. It’s easy when you know how.

    Oh it’s even worse when you did have experience with early smartphones. I’ve used Windows CE phones, Blackberrys, PalmOS phones, early Androids, and since 2015, iOS. None of them did things the same way, but all navigated using clickable objects on the screen. I was shocked when I had accidentally stumbled upon gestures. In 2017.

    I’m still discovering new gestures, usually by accident. It’s becoming more intuitive, but only because I now know that it might be an option.

  • It’s not difficult to self host. Pretty light on resources. Documentation on how to do so could use some work though. I believe I used a docker image to get up and running.

    The main reason I personally don’t allow public signups on my instance is that US law is rather chaotic. If section 230 gets cancelled or repealed I don’t want to be held responsible for what some random person chose to write. It may not be a big risk at the moment but I don’t have the mental bandwidth to deal with it.

  • Heads up on the copyright thing. Copyright is different nation to nation. @[email protected] seems to be out of the UK or EU. Not sure what the copyright situation is like there but here in the US, anything you write is already protected under US copyright laws from the moment it’s published (such as when I hit “post” here), subject to any applicable agreements you’ve entered into, of course.

    You don’t HAVE to register your work for it to be under copyright protection, but to doing so would give you a stronger case if you ever decided to go to court over copyright. To register a work in the US you would do so through the Copyright Office.

    In general though, @[email protected] is right though, you should assume anything you put out in the wild will be used in a manner you never intended, and that you may not like.

    For examples of how helpful copyright protection is in a practical sense, might want to check out c/piracy.

  • As everyone else has said, if your time is limited, your best path is docker. You don’t need to learn all of docker, but understanding how docker compose works at a fairly high level will drastically speed up setup as well as administrative tasks like updating and backups

    As for what to run, you mentioned wireguard and a notes app. The notes app could be solved without needing a central server with Obsidian and I’m not seeing the use case here for Wireguard.

    I would start with what problem or pain point are you trying to solve for.

    In my case, I had a bunch of IOT devices all making excessive DNS queries and I wanted a network level ad blocker so I setup PiHole (2 in fact, they run my network’s DNS).

    I had a large music collection and burning mix CDs was no longer practical so I setup Jellyfin (Navidrome might have also worked), and use FinAmp on my phone.

    Google started being a pain in my backside so I setup Nextcloud.

    Someone got me some smart devices so HomeAssistant was setup.

    I needed a way to find these services so I setup Heimdel as a dashboard.

    I wanted some of these publicly available so I setup Caddy as a reverse proxy.

  • I’ve bounced between both over the last 20 years. The main difference between Gnome and KDE is that KDE has always been far more customizable. Gnome has better support for Wayland over KDE 5, however that is not true for KDE 6. I’m not sure which is default currently for the Fedora KDE spin.

    My personal take on the current Gnome DE is that it is a very different way of conceptualizing the desktop from what I’m used to, to the point that it puts me off. I had the same issue with the Unity DE on Ubuntu back when. While it’s not for me, a lot of folks do seem to like it. I’ts quite usable, but I wind up spending time fafing around trying to figure out how to get things done rather then just doing what it is I’m trying to do. Muscle memory runs deep and KDE keeps to the traditional Windows desktop feel (Win95 - Win 7) with a few nice upgrades. Gnome ( at least current Gnome) does it their own way.