• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • His comment didn’t address two key issues for me:

    • The “crunch”/tight scheduling of projects which led to sloppiness to begin with
    • The constant need to correct, ranging from simple mistakes to very problematic methods.

    I’ve been enjoying solely the WAN Show, but hearing about constant mistakes in benchmarks while praising “We want to show factual information on benchmarks for once.”, is rubbing me in the wrong way. You can’t rush benchmarking without QA and publish those results as fact. You get to choose for accuracy, or fast to churn content.

    And Linus not mentioning something concrete on the first issue is worrying to me, not showing a clear intent to ease on rushing those benchmarks.

    Not to mention, it’s worth taking down a video if benchmarka are wrong even if the conclusion is “most likely to remain the same”, which one cannot conclude with certainty without redoing it. It would be better transparency wise to either not knowingly publish wrong information, or put a more clear notice on said videos besides the description and a pinned comment.

  • Thanks for responding either way. I asked the owner personally (off-platform) if he has noticed anything. And he says that the logs are just a gigantic mess with millions of lines. Only errors (as WARN messages) noticed by him, are like the following:

    lemmy_1     |    0: lemmy_apub::activities::community::announce::receive
    lemmy_1     |              at crates/apub/src/activities/community/announce.rs:149
    lemmy_1     |    1: lemmy_server::root_span_builder::HTTP request
    lemmy_1     |            with http.method=POST http.scheme="https" http.host=compuverse.uk http.target=/inbox otel.kind="server" request_id=<REDACTED> ttp.status_code=400 otel.status_code="OK"
    lemmy_1     |              at src/root_span_builder.rs:16
    lemmy_1     | LemmyError { message: Some("Cant receive page"), inner: Cant receive page, context: "SpanTrace" }```
    The errors are very unclear, only saying it didn't receive the page while not mentioning where it came from etc, making it very hard to debug on our end.

  • I’ve definitely experienced some jank with Lemmy at the moment, but at least I’ve gotten used to Federation through Mastodon. I don’t think you need to sub to a community per say to have it pull in changes from posts you responded on or the like. But you do need to subscribe if you want to have some instance’s posts to the one you are currently on. (Though I could be sorely mistaken - I’m still figuring out Lemmy myself)