• 0 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone📄 rule
    1 month ago

    Which is awesome, because every number up halves the size. This, combined with the standard way that paper weights are given (e g. 80g/m2) allows you to easily calculate how much a piece of paper weights: 1 A4 80g/m2 weighs 5g (1/2^4 * 80g)

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonevampire rule
    2 months ago

    Yeah, but the YouTube culture used to not use swearwords/unwanted words as a result of this. I have recently seen a few videos, where they said prn and sx, including cutting the vowels from the audio. This change in how to deal with the restrictions imposed by the platform is what I don’t understand.

    Edit: I have edited my comment above to be more precise.

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonevampire rule
    2 months ago

    Afaik tiktok also heavily censors topics that are considered bad publicity or whatever. In fact, considering that this self-censor trend (edit: this type of self censor trend that utilizes cutting out vowels instead of using euphemisms or not using the words at all) is much much younger than YouTube or Instagram (at least I noticed it only a few months, maybe one or two years ago) I’d say the American companies weren’t even the driving force behind it.

  • Turun@feddit.detoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldTarallo - selfhostable FOSS Trello alternative
    3 months ago

    A basic image is really easy. It’s basically just


    FROM debian  # start with a minimal Linux system. There are probably better options than debian. Some images are made especially for docker (i.e. very minimal and light weight). 
    RUN apt install dependencies  # do what ever you need to get your app running. 
    RUN echo "options and stuff" >> /etc/a/config/file  # you can also edit system files
    COPY . /app  # copy your project into the docker container.
    EXPOSE 8080  # doesn't actually do anything, but documents where the app will be listening
    CMD server-binary run /app/main.php  # I have actually no idea how php server stuff works

    (Docs https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/)

    Then people can run your project with docker.

    Edit: checking the readme some small changes would be required. Config.php should read in environment variables and the DB init SQL should be run automatically somehow.

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelemmy.rule
    3 months ago

    As @[email protected] already pointed out (thanks girl!), I never said they would get downvoted. It’s just that if US news are upvoted and international news are not, then sorting by upvotes (which any reasonable algorithm will do), will inevitably lead to a reduced visibility of said international news.

    Thanks to federation the frontpage itself is mostly non specific memes and tech/Linux content. But if you want a concrete example: here is a screenshot of [email protected]. the name of the community would suggest well, world news. The reality is … Quite different:

    The nine posts in the screenshot are about:

    • Elon musk (50/50)
    • Jk Rowling & a new Scottish law (international)
    • US traffic blockades (US)
    • Donald Trump (US)
    • Israel war (international)
    • US jails (US)
    • US housing (US)
    • Donald Trump (US)
    • Donald Trump (US)

    If you want the space to have more equal representation, why not produce high-quality content that appeals to your fellows rather than moaning about people who by your own admission mean no harm?

    As i have just explained in my first paragraph this will not be enough. (And that’s aside from the extra effort required to keep up said high quality work. Even if it would lead to equal representation, it’s an uphill battle.)

    Are you sure you’re not trying to find ways to justify anti-US bias?

    Yes, I am sure. I am merely stating a fact. This dynamic develops in any online space with a clear majority group. For example, take the /r/de subreddit. It is the default subreddit for German speaking users on reddit. Austrian and Swiss users are explicitly invited. And yet, by sheer number of citizens the news about German politics dominate the submissions. I do no more resent Germans for up voting content that interest them on /r/de (for example myself) than I resent Americans upvoting content that interests them.

    Similarly you can take any other instance that is specific to a group, be it defined via country (e.g. lemmy.ca) or shared interest/experience (e.g. lemmy.blahaj.zone) and you will find that minorities that are not part of that definition will inevitably be suppressed. But these country or interest specific instances do not claim to cover the world. In fact, OP was probably writing this post not due to the presence of US citizens on Lemmy, but due to the overwhelming presence of US citizens on an instance that claims to represent the world. Renaming [email protected] to [email protected] would go a long way.

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelemmy.rule
    3 months ago


    For what it’s worth, the same issue exists in German speaking communities as well. /r/de is the subreddit for all German speakers. But while the Austrians and Swiss are explicitly invited too, by sheer number of citizens the news about German politics make up the vast majority of submissions in the subreddit.

    The same probably applies to my account’s instance (feddit.de), though I am not sure if the swiss and austrians have dedicated instances as well. Thanks to federation the effect is lessened, because every country (or otherwise defined group) can have their own frontpage. (E.g. lemmy.ca or lemmy.blahaj.zone)

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelemmy.rule
    3 months ago

    No, not at all. But by sheer number of submissions and comments the collective hive mind will tend towards topics that are relevant for the biggest population.

    It’s nothing malicious. People are simply less likely to upvote and engage with content that does not interest them or is not relevant for them. All natural of course. But the side effect is that minority topics are suppressed.

  • Turun@feddit.deto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonelemmy.rule
    3 months ago

    Because it means that contributions are always leaning towards American viewpoints. From politics being mainly concerned with US politics to comments being written from an English speaking, US perspective.

    Would you join an instance with a dominating presence of Russian or Chinese or Brazilian or South African or Iranian users? I hope you can see why it matters now.