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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 21st, 2023


  • It’s not about support. It’s not about 100% agreement with Biden’s policies. It’s about using your vote as a tactical choice to influece the government as best you can.

    Each US citizen has three options: vote for Trump, vote for Biden, or don’t vote. For me it’s clear what the only viable choice is.

    By all means protest. By all means vote undecided in the primary. Of course we should use other means to put pressure on someone like Biden to change his policies. But at the end of the day he’s playing the tactical game too. And so is Israel, btw. They know that the US is weakened by the election cycle, that Biden’s hands are tied right now by the need to retain centrist votes.

    It’s a practical decision, that should be made not based on an ideal world, but based on the real world in which we currently live and the options we actually have.

  • If you use steam I’d suggest you think about switching to bazzite. It’s made for gaming, and every steam game I’ve tried so far has worked flawlessly. I used to fiddle around with stuff to get some games working on arch, but after switching I was blown away with how easy gaming is on this distro.

  • I’d just like to add that after using ubuntu (as a newbie), then arch for several years I recently switched to bazzite (atomic fedora with steam/gaming focus) on my daily driver.

    It is SO NICE to have everything just work. And steam games that I never got working on other distros just run out of the box. Everything just works, and it doesn’t feel bloated at all like ubuntu.

  • I’m learning about i3 and xfce on arch (my daily driver). I’m not linux expert, but I’ve been really enjoying figuring things out after switching from ubuntu to arch. This weekend I’m getting the icons for network manager applet and clipman working on the whisker panel, and then removing the i3bar.

    Well, at least that’s rhe goal. I don’t have much free time, so tbis will mkst likely be a month project, not a weekend. :P