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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I think overall they are not better or worse than other tech giants. They try to be the platform for blank and thus to push competitors out of the marked, or lock it down so they can’t enter. They try to extract as much money from their customers as they can, even if it makes the user experience worse. They push the boundaries of what the can legally do. They charge you, but you don’t own anything.

    What really grinds my gears is how they try to force stuff on me that I don’t fucking want. I feel like they are completely different in that regard than for example Google. I use Google Maps because I want to. I don’t use Chrome because I don’t want to. It’s that easy. They don’t ask me to reconsider, they don’t make it super complicated to switch, nothing. I can disable any Google App and forget about it.

    To stick with the Google comparison, I also feel like Google informs me better and gives me more control regarding my data. This feels much more hidden on convoluted in MS products in general. For example I had no idea Office is basically spyware before reading about it elsewhere. In Google-land, they seem much more upfront about what they use and what I can opt out from (or in to).

  • I encode everything with AV1 and Opus, although, as others have pointed out, there is the disadvantage that older (as in “not new”) devices won’t have hardware acceleration for those. I don’t care about that tho, because 1080p runs just fine on decent CPUs and I want to encode for the future, not yesteryear.

    For AV1 I use 10bit, VFR, RF25. If you want, you can play around with the performance profile to trade file size for encoding speed.

    For Opus I use 320 kbit/s fixed Bitrate and 7.1 downmix. Note that when dealing with audio and subtitles, you absolutely should include tracks of ‘unknown’ language! Otherwise they are just thrown away. And of course you should include every other language you care about. You can also choose to pass through Opus encoded tracks automatically.

    I prefer MKV as container format, because from all I hear it’s flexible and robust. Pretty much everything else is set to default. I’d advise to safe your settings to a preset and to briefly verify encoded videos actually work and contain the desired tracks.

  • I auto-backup my entire /home, except for stuff I explicitly exclude and hidden files. I only explicitly include some of the latter, because I don’t want to back up all the stuff programs put there without my knowledge.

    Config files outside of /home I copy semi-manually to and from a dedicated dir in which I replicate exactly where they go in my actual FS. I have written shell functions that easily allow me to backup and restore stuff from there and it’s synced to my cloud storage.

  • Arch is perfectly fine for gaming. I use EndeavourOS with KDE and Steam + Lutris (as Flatpaks) on top. Quite similar to the setup you would have on Steam OS, but I would highly recommend using btrfs as your file system and setting up snapshots.*

    While I have had little to no problems so far, compatibility issues can still occur on rolling release distros, and it’s extremely convenient to just be able to undo an update.

    *This is quite simple btw., you just need to install snapper, snap-pac and btrfs-assistant. The latter serves as a GUI for btrfs setup in general. Create a config for your filesystem root (‘/’) under ‘Snapper’, and under ‘Snapper Settings’ enable ‘Snapper cleanup’. You can also set the number of snapshots to retain there, but note that two will be created per system upgrade by snap-pac. I would suggest to also enable balances and scrubs for ‘/’ and ‘/home’ in the maintenance-tab.