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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • It’s not spam. These communities don’t just magically spring up from nothingness, there are people that have to contribute to these to get them started and to get them to grow. If you don’t like what you see, then block them, but go take a look at @[email protected] profile and you’ll see they’ve done more to help this instance and multiple communities grow than just about anyone else.

    Lemmy is still new, if you have a suggestion on how you would like to see things improved good, but complaining about something that you aren’t thinking about thoroughly isn’t helpful at all.

  • Not sure what Adobe products you’re using, or in what application, but I do photography as a hobby and do my editing on my linux machines. Rawtherapee and DarkTable are good alternatives to lightroom, with Gimp being a very good alternative to Photoshop. Gimp is getting better all the time, but Darktable already is a stronger editor than Lightroom.

    Haven’t tried any video editing alternatives (not my thing), but these programs have the added benefit of being free.

  • Gaming on Linux has gotten much better in the recent years. Honestly with the exception of games that use anit-cheat software, most games play just fine on Linux systems. I’ve abandoned windows, but my PC at work has windows 11 on it. I feels snappier and definitely looks better than windows 10. I’d say upgrade, but that’s going to be your preference (I’d go Linux unless you play mostly fps or competitive games)