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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Most of the time, it feels like people are just saying “yall are just mad cause I’m right” but using different words because its often obvious why: an unpopular opinion or believed to be objectively false. These comments already have plenty of replies explaining why their comment is bad in some way. The only cases where there should be confusion about why is is if you are posting in a community that gets the same comments all the time and so its spam and you don’t know it, or you said something that is being misinterpreted but for whatever reason you are unable to tell why and you haven’t gotten any replies already (but for some reason are paying close attention to your internet points).

  • I’ve never seen the image before, but the “threat of violence” was obviously a joke comment like the rallying call to “elect Biden so we can force feminize the cissy men.” In case you didn’t know, that’s also a joke. Its very different from threats to take a vehicle (whether a truck or a steamroller) to a pride event and use it on people, for example.

    If you can’t understand context or jokes, maybe don’t make inflammatory remarks about an entire group of people based on one person’s comment with confidence without at least asking first. Nothing wrong with taking things too literally, but weaponizing your lack of understanding isn’t the answer. Of course a lot of people do make veiled threats (in minecraft) when they actually are encouraging violence, so we should be careful about language and surely there’s cases in the middle where it could go either way, in which case calling out the language without insinuating it was intentional or representative of a larger group could be appropriate unless there’s a clear pattern…

  • For me, I think the criteria I’d use for saying someone has a decent understanding of math is knowing that math has underlying rules and most things can be understood from those basic rules (each problem is not just an arbitrary magic trick to get an answer that was impossible figure out) and perhaps also being able to ask “novel” questions (compared that what you already know) and taking reasonable steps to answer it with the rules you do know and the tools you have (doesn’t need to be successful). I think counting could be done with any consistent set of sounds and it doesn’t matter whether yours just reading those sounds for a list or not as long as you know roughly what they correspond to in terms of time. I don’t think a lot of humans have much understanding of math, I think some computers already beat a lot of humans with respect to that.

  • It’s been more than a couple years since Ive tried using Linux (back when I used it as my primary os).

    My experience have been mostly with ubuntu-based OSes like Mint. First laptop I installed Linux on, the audio didn’t just work. It didn’t work at all for a while, despite trying many fixes. Otherwise it actually did work decently well. On my next laptop, it would just one day no longer boot or login for some reason or another and I’d just have to do a clean install because I didn’t know how to fix it. That happened maybe every other month? On both laptops, the two-finger scroll behavior had settings to change how it behaved in the default installed software, but on Linux it was always finicky getting it to work the way I wanted.

    Also installing things is a lot more annoying for stuff that require command line vs just clicking it and telling it to install.