WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]

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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023


  • Does this just make trans people not trans and make cis people trans and give them dysphoria? Only changing the mind, not the body? If so, then what does this do to NBies? Would more agender NBies become poly gender, gender fluid enbies become gender solid, and multi gender enbies become a gender?

    Was the tradeoff meant to be specifically difficult for ace trans people?

  • However if people vote uncommitted in the primaries because they are convinced Biden is Genocide Joe then they aren’t going to want to vote for Biden in the general election.

    If he changes policy, why not? People can make mistakes. Ideally, I’d rather not support someone who has such a past history and I’d be skeptical that the change is a long-term change rather than just trying to appeal to voters in the short-term, but given the other likely outcome, someone it certainly would be a lot better outcome.

  • It gives no more information than body fat percent. Unless you’re already making an assumption about body fat %, muscle %, height, etc, you can’t guess someone’s weight from the outside.

    For the top end of cycling (and probably other endurance sports), things like V02max for top athletes seems be pretty common knowledge already. But I’m not sure how objectively that can be measured if someone is intent on suppressing it to stay in a certain bracket. So height would still probably be more useful, at least for flats.

    Imo, either make divisions based directly on factors that matter, which varies from sport to sport but most often comes down to things like height and weight, or get rid of them.

  • Imagine on top having very sensitive information from your medical records public. Imagine you are dropped out of the most prestigous top athlete bracket, because your body fat ratio increased half a percent too much after you had an injury.

    Isn’t that already a thing for sports with weight classes? Having fairer matches makes things more interesting in all divisions.

    You don’t even need more divisions. Just more precise ways of making them.