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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • If all those downloads were from 2005 to 2015, and there’s only been a few hundred in the last nine years, that would mean the popularity has declined.

    But we don’t know that. We don’t know if the downloads have increased, decreased, or stayed the same based on the proffered numbers. We only know a flat number from the last twenty years.

    Thats the point theyre making, not that its unequivocally unpopular now.

    Also you’re about three billion shy of one download for everyone on earth.

  • Because there’s no one broad brush one can paint everything with to solve all issues. It takes a variety of approaches to solve the variety of problems that occur in the world.

    Those running instances are people too, and they create their instance for a purpose. If that purpose is to let people go hog wild, including bigots and authoritarians, then they can refuse to do any defederating (or moderating, I suppose, if it’s solely the responsibility of the user to curate content as you purport). The thing is… that doesn’t make an instance particularly palatable to people who dislike when other people are dipshits around them. And, rather than get into prolonged troll-baiting contests, they decide to just go somewhere better… all that leaves is the bigots and authoritarians… and the people who feed their need for attention by arguing with them.

    I don’t believe cutting everyone out who says something you object to, even to the smallest degree, is a good solution. Often people are teetering on the edge of extremism, and just need a rational counterpoint to help them tip the right way… but sometimes you just need to remove toxicity from your life. When it comes to running instances, you can either take the laissez faire approach and let people do whatever they want… and welcome the extremists that draws in. Or you can take a more active, albeit gentle, hand. So you promote a place worthy of discussion and fun.