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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • _cerpin_taxt_@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlWindows 11 vs Linux supported HW
    11 months ago

    ITT: Linux users in denial.

    Linux will never be anywhere close to plug and play for anything in the way Windows is, whether we’re talking games, applications, AD, etc… At least not for a very, very long time. Windows has about 40 years of development and is tried and true by the masses worldwide. You don’t have to be a master level 1337 h4xor to do anything in Windows, while you can’t do about 70% of what you can do on Windows with Linux without being an advanced power user.

    Linux is great for some stuff, but unless there’s massive upgrades to where you can just hit “install” and something installs and works without fucking around in terminal, it will never see widespread adoption. Hell, half of my users can’t even figure out how to use a goddamn Mac, and that’s much more user friendly than any Linux kernel. You guys are delusional if you think otherwise.

    Also, I’ve yet to see a single Linux kernel that is aesthetically pleasing on anywhere near the level of OSX or Windows 11… Or Windows 10… Or hell, 7, 8, and Vista lmao. Looks like a potato OS that was mocked up for some shitty low budget SyFy channel movie. Every single kernel I’ve ever seen. Even the ones that supposedly are “so nice looking bro I swear it looks better than 11 bro please why isn’t anyone switching to Linux don’t you guys want to learn a programming language to play games seriously bro it’s so easy it just works bro broooo.”

  • Mint just looks like a fake OS that someone designed for a movie set or something. I can’t quit put my finger on it, but it looks cheap and basic as hell. Windows 11 is very aesthetically pleasing and IMO looks nicer than OSX these days.

    With Windows, I can install Steam. Once that’s installed, I just install the games right from Steam. As far as my GPU goes, I just download GeForce Experience and then it pushes updated drivers to me on a regular basis that I can choose to install or not.

    DirectX gets pushed out to every Windows computer with no need to manually install it, as does the .NET framework. If you need a different version of .NET, any software you install will typically warn you during installation, and even give the option to install right then and there.

    I built my most recent PC about a year ago. I installed Windows and ran updates. Then I installed GeForce Experience and updated my GPU drivers. Then I installed Steam, and then installed my games of choice. No more, no less, and I was playing games in 4k 120+ FPS with zero issues or messiness.

    If I were to install Nobara right now, can I just go through that exact simple process? If not, I’m not interested lol, and I’m a “techie.” Good luck trying to convert your average user.

    You guys always claim how great Linux is and how you’re never going back to Windows, yet still dual boot with Windows. You know what I don’t do with my Windows install? Dual boot to any other OS lmao.

  • Mint was the most recent distro I tried and it looked like a potato, but sadly didn’t taste as good.

    With Nobara, can I install any and all applications and games I’m currently running on my PC, with zero additional steps, and does this OS get driver updates for my 4080 on the same frequency as Windows? Can I install Steam and play any game in my library with zero additional steps? If that’s the case, I’ll make the switch right here, right now.

  • Right? All of these comments are like “it’s just as easy as gaming on Windows. I just have to make sure I run these specific commands in my terminal or my PC bricks, nothing runs as well as on Windows unless you have 20 years of experience with Linux, and you still need to keep a dual boot of Windows for those pesky games that aren’t Linux-friendly (re: 99.9% of games). I’m so much happier on Linux and will never look back!please shoot me in the face now and end my pain I’m so happy!”

    Like whatever lies you guys need to tell yourselves lol. I’ll stick with Windows until it’s as easy as hitting play. Also would be nice if the UI didn’t look straight out of 1995.

  • In my experience, that’s the case 100% of the time. I’ve never once in my 30+ years heard a liberal say the same thing. It’s always Nazis Republicans trying to deflect and sweep their shitty views under the rug because they think it’s some kind of trump card to get around their awful views and have civilized society allow them back in so they can spread their hate.