
  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I mean this subtitle right here gave me a pretty good idea what’s this initiative is all about already, but that’s just me I guess

    But what does that mean exactly? Fairphones with long support duration? Solar powered software developers?

    I get a rough direction from that, but nothing else, but it’s a headline, that’s ok.

    What really bugs me is that the body of the text doesn’t really explain it either, but needs hundreds of words for that. It’s just fluff for a press statement that should have fit into a tweet.

    Also, keep in mind that people from different countries work on KDE, and English is not their first language, I don’t know what are your expectations… on how the writing should be…

    Well, given that I’m from Germany and English is not my first language, and also given that I’m neither very good at it nor do I have a PR team, I would expect writing at least on my level, I guess?

    But here’s the thing, take a look at Google or MS posts about sustainably and being green, and you’ll realize, truly realize how one could say so much without saying anything… this wall of text that you’re talking about is full of insights

    And these companies are the benchmark? I mean, can’t we expect more from a nonprofit? There are some insights, yes, but they’re drowning in the wall of text.

    Just as an insight for you: a news article is supposed to increase in detail level from top to bottom. The headline shows the rough topic, subtitle slightly expands on that, the first paragraphs tell the actual story, the next paragraphs provide more and more context. The idea is, that a reader can stop reading if she feels like there’s been enough context.

    Look at the article here and ask yourself if it fits this description.

  • Why would I not say that?

    Clearly they can’t get their point across. And I don’t know, why people down vote me for that.

    KDE starts a new initiative, and does so by creating a giant wall of text that says very little about the initiative itself. So little in fact, that people here obviously don’t understand what they’re actually trying to do. That is bad communication. Simple as that. And given that this is not a random blog post, but a press statement, I’m pretty sure a bunch of people read it before publishing it.

  • Tell me, exactly, how I am not meant? I’m a man, men are portrayed as universally dangerous. How am I not implied here?

    Thinking I’m not meant is wishful thinking. And it’s extremely interesting, that suddenly I’m portrayed by you as a bad guy, because I say “hey, I’m not a bad guy, why do you call me that?”. I explicitly mentioned the very real predators. But you ignored that.

    And thinking like yours is exactly why there’s so much hate. I don’t subscribe to the party line, that men have to shut up and just have to accept that they are all potentially vile beasts, and thus I have to be one of the vile beasts. Don’t you see that? Do you really don’t see what you’re doing here? You’re creating the us vs them chasm. You’re alienating people because you’re just now actively accusing me of being a bad guy. And yes, it’s about me, because I’m a man and this meme is about men. I’m in it. Just like you are.

  • And you think that’s helpful?

    We’re not talking about an enslaved group here, but women. Yes, disadvantaged in many areas, but far from being universally inferior in every aspect. If I’m punching up, you know, who I hit? Several women. Hell, my chancellor has been a woman for literally the majority of my life.

    Again, what does this achieve? Hostility of those who don’t want to be put on the same level as rapists. Instead of blaming the very real predators for their very real crimes, they’re blaming every man for being a man. That’s not punching up.

  • So discrimination is okay if it hits the right people?

    Again, an entire group is set out to be predators for no fault of their own.

    I’m portrayed as a predator, because some idiots are, and I’m supposed to view that to reflect myself, because some other people are also treated badly? That doesn’t make sense. This is purely parroting the party line, chastising oneself what an evil counterrevolutionary one is.

    No positive, but tons of new hostility. Awesome. That’ll take humanity in the right direction!

  • It’s clearly ragebait, but let’s be real here: the amount of accusations against men in general is astounding. Not the real, actual cases, but the implication that by virtue of being male I’m immediately accused of being a predator. And that’s just shitty.

    I can understand that a lot of men feel very attacked by that, because a whole lot of men just try to be good people. This kind of ragebait is harmful, because it will definitely turn a bunch of men hostile towards anything feminism, since in their view, they can only lose. And that’s incredibly bad.