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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • This is a bad example. Aux cables use analog signals therefore signal integrity actually matters for sound quality. If this was a cable used for digital signals like SPDIF of HDMI or USB then it wouldn’t effect quality; that being said using gold or another coating (someone mentioned chrome nickel) will help with reliability and corrosion over time.

  • lots of ink paying for more than you need

    You pay less for an ink refil on an ink tank printer than you do a toner refil for a laser printer. This is despite the fact that the ink refil lasts longer.

    I agree with the idea that infrequent users should consider laser printers. The main issue I have with them though is the cost. A colour laser printer is more expensive than even a tank printer which is expensive to begin with. It also can’t do photos very well which is something a lot of people use printers for. Greyscale laser printers are only good for text.

  • Yeah you just described hunting being natural.

    Eating meat is also natural, even if meat production techniques are no longer natural.

    This isn’t an argument about nature though, it’s about diet and nutrition. Eating animals is more nutritious for us and vegans require supplements to compensate; this is because we evolved with animal & fish meat as a significant food source. Vegan diets are inherently less healthy than omnivore ones, just like carnivore diets are generally less healthy too.

    This isn’t to say what vegans are doing isn’t a noble endeavor. It largely is noble as it helps the planet. It shouldn’t however be seen as the default or that eating meat is abnormal because eating meat is what we were built for. It requires modern dietary planning and supplementation to maintain a healthy vegan lifestyle and it might not even he possible in certain stages of life.

  • I said you should eat an omnivorous diet, not a carnivore one. Did you even read my comment?

    Most meats do not contain antibiotics, that only happens in countries with bad food safety regulations. Antibiotics are also not a bad thing by any means, though you should use them selectively. Just because an animal has had antibiotics in the past dosen’t mean they still have significant levels when they are slaughtered.

    Those sources are heavily biased. Human ancestor ate both meat and vegetables. Even chimpanzees eat insects, which are actually very nutritionous!

  • You know humans have evolved to eat meat? Hunting animals is literally a core feature of us as an animal. It’s much easier to have a healthy omnivorous diet than a vegan one because our bodies are adapted to consume animal and plants together. It’s not a fact you can ignore and it’s the reason why vegans need artificial supplements or risk severe health issues.

  • My point was, you’re obviously not stating the same about Washington or other western polititians that may have done even worse things.

    Actually I do state these things. America bullies other nations all the time, and makes a pigs ear or it all the time too. See my comment about the Taliban, or how theg handled Vietnam. The US is almost as bad as the USSR, with the exception that they don’t kill their own people, only other people.

    What you’re saying about Kronstadt dosen’t match what I have heard at all. They fought alongside each other in the revolution and then the Bolsheviks decided to bring in horrible undemocratic policies. The other groups protested this and where slaughtered at Kronstadt.

  • Honestly I had to google who he was, because I fogot. I am British, not American, so he isn’t a big deal over hear. Technically he was an enemy of my country not that really matters.

    I don’t particularly support him if that’s what you’re asking, as I have no reason to. He wasn’t the first person to implement a democracy, and the democracy he implemented wasn’t a true democracy to begin with. The ancient greeks did it thousands of years before him and fyi also had slaves.