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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • The problem is not the server. One of the reasons is because lemmy world is being DDoS attacked by certain party with grudges. Because lemmy is not used to this kind of attack, which is made difficult by way it is designed and open source nature where the attacker can easily uncover vulnerabilities, it took some times and learning to mitigate them. You can open new account in other instances or move if that’s too much inconvenience for you. No one is stopping you.

  • That person you’re dealing with got a confirmation bias syndrome. The best they can do if to provide any sources they can find to justify their skewed argument.

    Let me just provide different source to counter-prove that, to show the Indian government is taking care of their fellow citizens - government banned the export of non-basmati white rice to “ensure adequate domestic availability at reasonable prices". To keep rice at reasonable price is good enough to show that the country is taking care of its citizens and not letting them starving - countering the argument being put forward by sub-OP above. So, to totally claim that India is neglecting its citizens will be misleading.

    To tell you the truth, I don’t even like Modi, but I couldn’t care less. You have a country and its citizens to deal with, your own domestic issues- its not me to judge. But to bash a country like the Mr-know-it-all above did, that’shitty. It’s like trying to impose one solution for all the world’s problem. To put it bluntly, that’s shallow-minded.

  • They can if they stop paying for what the vast majority of the world considers basic decency.

    No. They can’t. Have you ever been travelling the world, where your ideology is derived not just based on what you read and taught? Not every country can afford and even if they can, have the technology to do space exploration.

    But it’s pretty telling you keep repeating Indian propaganda while claiming you live in a different country you won’t disclose.

    Because I am being realist, to express my view without being bias; not like you. Yes, there are propaganda in play, but that’s not the whole. story. At one point it about domestic interests i.e. to fulfill their locals needs. One the other hand is about national interests - to fulfill the need of their citizens by securing the country against external threats. And how do any country deal with this two needs is based on what they can afford. They can’t simply let go of one aspect to concentrate on the other. There’s a level of compensation to be made. That’s basic knowledge - but it seems that you have a difficulty to understand that.

    You don’t seem to realize it, but the way you write is like you are a from a propaganda media being hired to bash on another country (India for this case) and to nitpick every little faults you can find. First you talk about India’s (space technology) propaganda, then suddenly you dive 180-degree south talking about them starving their locals. It doesn’t make sense to mix these two arguments together. It’s like you try to go all out to prove the India are evil. It’s like me telling you that you country is shitty for having big military and space defence budgets when the money should be allocated to you local citizens to eradicate homelessness, illiteracy, poverty, racial disparity and thousands of other problems in your country. But it would be stupid for me to say that for the same reason I stated before - your country needs to weigh its resources wisely between locals and national needs. But you don’t seem to understand that. Or maybe you do understand but you don’t really care because you’re driven by your own little agenda.

  • No, any country that wants to pay for it can.

    No my country can’t.

    He’s letting children starve and develop life long issues so people like you do what you’re doing right now.

    I am. not even Indian. I reckon what ever he’s doing affect me the same way it affect you. And I don’t even like him.

    But I am not that bias to mix national interest with domestic interest - to paint bad picture on a target, to excavate the worse and burying the good.

  • boyi@lemmy.sdf.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlFavorite Terminal Emulator
    11 months ago

    Used to be termite for its minimalist feature. Now that it’s gone I move on to Wezterm. Occasionally I use alacrity to connect to armbian nodes because it can’t recognize wezterm. I hate kitty, not because of the terminal itself, but the dev. There is a snarky comment at github issue made by kitty’s dev when people request for a termite-like feature. It drove me to uninstall kitty straight away.