smoothbrain coldtakes

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • It’s also only valuable if people keep contributing to it. It’s highly likely the majority of current existing reddit data has been largely incorporated into many LLMs prior to the API access limiting. Google paying them 60 million dollars is a hilarious pittance to keep training their LLMs, given how much money AI services will likely generate off of the training data.

    I don’t actively use reddit anymore, but when I need an answer to something that isn’t programming-related, it’s usually the top source on any given web search. That kind of content is basically the only stuff I would give a shit about. I can’t imagine how much absolute garbage you have to sift through on the platform to get reliable training data. Maybe the ratio is terrible and that’s why Google paid so little.

  • Actually part of their IPO paperwork lists WSB as a potential positive benefit to the stock, in terms of having a clear userbase that will theoretically help sustain the value through shenanigans. That, to me, however, sounds like a securities violation waiting to happen.

    I don’t check reddit anymore. Does WSB actually consider this stock to be, uh, actually valuable? Every corner of the internet I’ve seen discuss this topic have all noted how worthless they think the shares are going to be. My money is on them shorting it.

  • I think it has to do with karma count.

    I had two accounts, one had been scrubbed and was mostly used for commenting, and the other was a porn alt.

    The porn alt has hundreds of thousands of karma and it got multiple IPO messages while the original, older account got nothing due to being sub 5k on posts.

    Edit: Suspicions confirmed!

    Reddit is planning six tiers of early access based on each “participant’s contributions to Reddit,” the company said in its updated SEC filing. Those tiers are based on a user’s “karma” score, ostensibly an aggregate total of up/down votes on posts and comments.

    The first tier of users will be those “who have meaningfully contributed to Reddit community programs,” though what that means isn’t explained more clearly. After that come tier 2 users, who must hold at least 200,000 karma points or have taken at least 5,000 moderator actions. Tier three includes users and moderators who hold at least 100,000 karma points and have taken 2,500 moderator actions. Tiers 4 and 5 are each half of the previous tier’s total, and tier 6 includes everyone else, with a waitlist available if the total number of shares purchased exceeds the original 1.76 million.

  • I’ve had several Keychrons and the only one that failed on me was due to liquid damage. I’ve had three of them and the original one I purchased for working on a Mac is still running strong with a few coffee stains. The second one I bought with a backlight lasted two years and died by my own hand. I have a new backlit one with a different set of keycaps and it’s been going strong for a year with no issues.

    I tend to buy the wired C2 series which is the cheapest lineup. The great thing about Keychrons is that they are highly repairable and customizable by the user. You can replace keycaps, switches, and the keyboards are all designed to support both layouts with each requisite key included for Command and Windows. It can toggle to either OS via the flip of a switch, and you can attach the keycaps you prefer.

    I use the Windows layout on all of my machines that run Linux, personally. You could easily keep the Windows configuration switch and just uh, replace the key I guess if that’s your aesthetic preference. I would probably do that if I were in your position. The keycaps are included and it’s not going to interfere unless you flip the switch.

  • You guys realize that the server rules regionally only apply regionally, and not globally right? If you don’t like the rules of your nation state it’s very easy to move your hosting elsewhere where the rules you are trying to avoid are not going to apply.

    Just because India has some massive breaking sweeping law doesn’t really change anything about our other servers if they are just not in that jurisdiction. is not going down for Indian rules, because we’re hosted in Canada. I would imagine is also not hosted in India.

    The fediverse is not even big enough (we’re about the size cumulatively of like a medium subreddit) to really want to actively police.

    It’s like saying Iran or anywhere else in the Middle East has powerful internet control, as if that’s going to change literally anything hosted outside of those incredibly repressive nations. Unless India has some agreement with other states long-term to remove content they disagree with, literally nothing is going to change. I know North American sentiment towards India is not strong these days because of the recent assassinations (and/or attempts) within our borders of Sikh “extremists”.

  • Fediverser looks like a project that’s supposed to ease the onboarding process from reddit, looks like you can sign up with a reddit account to have access to Lemmy, but I am not entirely sure.

    I don’t really mind the size of the community these days; I feel like if we start getting more and more people from reddit we’re going to get the people we wanted to avoid by leaving the place. Right now it feels like there’s not a ton of content, but there’s a decent amount of discussion, and it’s of high quality. I feel like an easier entrance to the platform is going to degrade the experience, as shitty as that sounds.

  • I had the same problem with, and with the owner said “yeah this is a bot, this whole instance is for reddit reposts, if you don’t like it defederate from me” - which .ca did.

    I can’t stand bot instances or bots in general that are reposting from reddit, because it’s not valuable content for the fediverse - the OP doesn’t see what we’re saying and if we’re troubleshooting something that’s been crossposted it’s literally just on deaf ears.

    The only bot I actually like is the ITNBot which is for ImproveTheNews - it posts neutral, pro-, and anti-stance information relevant to the article being posted, showing you all sides of the issue.

  • Laptop is fine as a tinkering device, but if you have something critical it’s best not to trust a rolling release. I would recommend Fedora Silverblue or something else immutable that automatically updates and does not have a lot of incompatibility issues.

    Arch is not something to be relying on consistently. You can make it stable, but then one day you will do a yay -Syu and all of a sudden your critical machine is offline pending troubleshooting that is not required with more stable distros.

    EOS is the best out of the box Arch experience I’ve had, it makes it a lot more user friendly than just the base, and it can be customized just as much as the base. When I was running Arch I was running EOS and it was good for what I needed, although I have had it basically brick itself with an update. I am currently running Fedora Silverblue on my laptop and it’s been very stable.