• 14 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 14th, 2024


  • basically everything beyond launching itunes/safari/whatever is tucked away in weird non-obvious places. i literally had to have someone show me how to get the list of all apps (it’s called something absolutely baffling that i’ve since forgotten) after clicking on and combing through things for like half an hour. the longest it’s taken me to suss out the same, to get a list of applications, on literally any other OS has been seconds, maybe a minute at longest.

    so yeah, my example is the single most basic thing a user should be able to do in order to use the computer, is so unintuitive on mac that a grown ass adult who is a chronic distro-hopper needed help figuring it out. and god forbid you want to change a setting beyond the wifi, screen brightness, and audio volume.

  • versatile

    sure. idk about “the most”, i haven’t seen it do anything that other DMs can’t do with some tinkering. hell just installing cairo-dock yields a very similar ui experience imo.


    i can’t agree, my experience is things not staying where i put them, random crashes, layout and themes not “sticking” between logins, and occasionally the entire session crashing - all this from a fresh install on an untinkered-with system, and it’s been a consistent experience through the years. maybe you’re luckier than i am?

    best applications

    i never met an application i wanted to run that i couldn’t because i had the wrong DE. what are you talking about?

  • it’s been the same buggy mess for as long as i’ve been using linux, always with the promise that the next update will take it from “neat tech demo” to “suitable permenant DE”, i’m just really confused why it’s the hot shit right now because my experience with the current release was literally identical to the first time i tried it way, way back on maverick meerkat. if i didn’t know any better i’d say they changed the version number and nothing else.