Creative burnt out gifted kid just trying to exist On Mastodon @[email protected]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 28th, 2022


  • There is, however, still the concept of the Chinese Room thought experiment, and I don’t think AI will topple that one for a while.

    For those who don’t know and don’t wish to browse off the site, the thought experiment posits a situation in which a guy who does not understand Chinese is sat in a room and told to respond to sets of Chinese characters that come into the room. He has a little booklet of responses—all completely in Chinese—for him to use to send responses out of the room. The thought experiment questions whether or not the system of the Chinese Room itself can be thought to understand Chinese or even the man himself.

    With the Turing Test getting all of the media spotlight in AI, machine learning, and cognitive science, I think the Chinese Room should enter into the conversation as the field of AI looks towards G.A.I.

  • Since I’ll be moving to LibreWolf and it’s based on FF, I’ll check out Mull. Unfortunately I don’t see my device on DivestOS’s site (it’s a Motorola Moto G Power 2022), but it’s also quite new so it’s understandable. I’ll switch it to Lineage or something like that whenever it gets support for it but I’m fine with a degoogled Android for now.

  • I’m personally like to stop using Brave, and I will, however while LibreWolf will be what I’ll switch to on desktop, I’m not sure what I would want to switch to on my Android phone. I see that LibreWolf doesn’t have an Android version (and potentially never will; fine, developers will do whatever they want). I’ve heard about IceRaven, however, I’m not sure how good it is. Also would like an actually privacy focused search engine, but I think LibreWolf might have a good list on that front.

    (Note: please do suggest in replies, not sure I made that apparent)

  • This is likely not the thread for it, but I’ve been wanting to look for some kind of guide to self hosting for someone who’s never done it before. Once I get out of my lease that, while it includes internet, prohibits me from running any kind of servers, I want to potentially look into starting something, although that would also involve me getting a dedicated machine for this. I do have a somewhat old Raspberry Pi 3 from like 2016 I want to say (it has built in WiFi and Bluetooth but as I am currently home, I don’t have the specs on hand atm). The only other two machines are my desktop, which is way too overpowered to be running a server even some of the time, and my laptop, which I want to be able to take with me if I need to go work on something at a coffee shop.

  • I do appreciate the transparency from the Lemmy devs and re their views (whether only alleged or actual) on controversial topics, I think the issue is not in the software itself and in how the devs themselves are using it. However given the nature of the fediverse and how Lemmy is programmed, you can use the software however you like, as we do here on Beehaw.

    Similarly, we can look to the “death of the author” debate to settle this. I’m not going to discuss what that is and what it isn’t here (as that isn’t the purpose of this post or this comment), however, I will state that my definition of “death of the author” involves critically enjoying a piece of media despite its author’s bad views if and only if those views aren’t inherent to the work and they aren’t profiting off of my consumption of the work itself. Beehaw is like that. Sure the creators of the software are involved in a controversy, but the way the devs use their own software is not an inherent feature of the software. Beehaw has a fantastic setup and ethos, so I find my home here. Sure, there’s not that many specific communities, but that’s what federation is for.

    Another analogy, however accurate (no analogy is perfect): people lobby governments with money to get them to pass problematic legislation, but people still participate in the economy.

    note on that analogy because I feel it needs saying

    Yes, I know that participating in the economy, especially in the United States where I live but really anywhere is a bit necessary to, well, exist most places if not everywhere, but people unknowingly support controversial people all the time. See Nestle and their controversies. Even bringing that up reminds me of the illusion of choice and how everything is owned by five companies (and even then mostly everything is owned by like two VC groups). I’m digressing, of course, but I hope you see my point in bringing this up.

    TL;DR: The way the devs use the software should not impede our use of the software given that the devs’ views are not inherent to any use case of the software.

  • I wonder if it would be possible to set up something that 307’s to a static page when I’m not live

    Edit: another concern is that in running it from my laptop, would I have to go through port forwarding so that a DNS provider can connect with the owncast instance? Because while I’m not completely averse to it (unless someone has an opsec reason for not doing so and has a better alternative), it’s a lot of work and will absolutely have to be something I do after I move out of my current place