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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Thank you for succinctly summing up this whole argument, tipping sucks but in industries like hospitality in the United States if you take the service and don’t tip you are in fact hurting people because of your selfishness. Restaurant owners and groups do not give a single fuck if you eat there and don’t tip, they will find replacements for those who leave. Most servers are working two or more jobs to make ends meet unless they work in really nice restaurants with bougie regulars.

    If you want to boycott the culture stop eating out, otherwise you’re just a cheap asshole that thinks they are better than restaurant staff

  • No what you are doing is being a poor comrade to your fellow worker, you’re out here posting in explicitly anarchist and socialist communities and you are getting pissy about other people being exploited? Tipping culture is absolutely shitty but if you go out to eat and don’t tip you’re just enabling the exploitation of restaurant staff. If you don’t want to tip at a restaurant don’t eat out, it’s that simple.

    I can agree with you in retail or fast food establishments, because that was newly introduced and not how those workers have historically earned their pay, but if you go to a table service restaurant then not tipping is directly hurting other workers like yourself.

  • cmbabul@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    Ok wow you’re delusional and unrealistic

    1. a second American civil war would be the most horrific, violent, and bloody war in all of human history and the species let along civilization would have very little chance at surviving again. Secondly if you think trump will stop Israel from genociding I have a bridge in Arizona. Biden hasn’t been funding Israel for 70 years we the American people have. Trump funded Israel when he was president. Yeah we’ll all be better off when there are insane Christian warlords sacrificing people to the Lord in Tennessee. Totally makes it seem like you have a foot in the reality of what a war within the US would look like

    2. so are those people that aren’t going to be saved by Trump? Things will get better if you spite vote?

    3. all Trump has to do is order the US military out, the rest of nato won’t do shit to enforce that because the US has the largest military and without it nato is horribly undermanned and would collapse in a domino fashion. You’re fooling yourself here. These are all things written on paper, fascists don’t give a fuck about shit like that

    1. What the fuck does that matter if Dems never gain power again, which Trump will ensure doesn’t happen, as he’s pledged to go after his enemies

    I’m done here and you’re blocked. I don’t have anymore energy to spend on someone so hopelessly deluded about the gravity of our current situation. I honestly hope you’re just a bad faith actor. Go to hell, I love you

  • cmbabul@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    Ok so, Trump and the GOP are marching head first into genocidal fascism and you’re naive to think you’ll ever get to vote again if he’s elected. The president only has so much power because it’s checked, that won’t happen this time as the courts are stacked to allow christofascim and both houses of Congress are hamstrung with infighting. Some state govs will resist and I applaud that but it leads us into constitutional crises and in my mind civil war. As a trans person I think you should understand the threat to your very life if Trump regains power in this current political world we exist in. Biden fucking sucks all around but we buy more time with him, which is a shitty comprise, but Trump term two, signals the end of the United States and puts the final nail in the coffin of doing anything to mitigate climate change. Not to mention the dissolution of nato which he’s verbal said he’s inclined to induce, which means the end of Ukraine as a nation and likely a Chinese takeover of Taiwan, is also suspect a rollback in workers rights and more tax cuts for the rich.

    A third party vote only matters when the message sent matters to the recipients. The only way it MIGHT is if Biden wins and democracy continues. Because Trump won’t give a good goddamn.

    We don’t have the luxury of that right now and I hate it too, but it’s the lot we’ve all fucking drawn.

  • cmbabul@lemmy.worldto196@lemmy.blahaj.zonerule
    3 months ago

    I agree with your goal and the spirit of what you’re saying completely, but we’re kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place right now. Unless something completely unexpected like multiple age related deaths or a violent revolt happens there are only two candidates with any chance of attaining the office. Which means we have to make a choice. A choice I hate making but I want to continue to make choices in the future so it’s one I have to make.