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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • djsoren19@yiffit.netto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    27 days ago

    Again, if it was propoganda I think it would be more incendiary. You’re free to go through the information if you wish, and there probably are some juicy secrets somewhere in the mess of files, but my spotcheck made me yawn. If you don’t want to live in a world with no truth, you have to start thinking about the intent of the author. If the intent of the author here was to plant misinformation, or to sow division, then they did a terrible job at it. What little I read gave me no interest in reading more.

  • djsoren19@yiffit.netto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRule
    28 days ago

    A lot of them look legit, mostly because they are boring. I scanned a few, it’s stuff like the air force’s memo on how to deal with press, or a memo alleging a number of Russian cybersecurity attacks on U.S. assets.

    If someone was going to fake releasing stuff like this, they probably wouldn’t do it with such boring documents, they’d put some shit about aliens in there.

  • djsoren19@yiffit.netto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRulegum
    2 months ago

    Tbf, that’s Oda’s imagination doing overtime. Reed Richards never gets past the Gum-Gum Pistol stage, I think his power would be considered way cooler if he hit Dr. Doom with a Gum-Gum Elephant Gatling or busted out Snakeman. It’s not just about making them a serious main character, mangaka seem a lot more inventive with utilizing the potential for powers than their Western counterparts.

  • EA has been shitty nearly forever, even when every game started with “Its in the game!” You probably just didn’t realize it because you were a kid, but they’ve been hacking out shitty games and shuttering great studios for decades. They were never a mark of quality, they were the mark on the games you could find in the bargain bin at Walmart.

  • This really shouldn’t be such a controversial take. Every side of this conflict fucking sucks, and they’ve all sucked for decades. Israel sucks for electing a fascist, Palestine sucks due to being religious fundamentalists, the U.S. sucks for doing all this in the first place and building Israel up as a superpower in the region, and all the surrounding Middle Eastern powers suck because they claim a Free Palestine is a priority while doing fuck-all to support it. Even if a miracle ceasefire is called, there is no geopolitical will for a Free Palestine, so Israel will just do this again in 10 years once their stockpiles are replenished.

  • Hilariously, getting better for both of them. Pathfinder has a lot of third party developers already, and gained some after the big D&D debacle when Wizards tried to update the OGL and kill third-party. Linux is still slow going, especially on the gaming side, but a number of FOSS companies and Valve have done a lot of work to legitimize Linux as a personal computing platform.

  • It would show your ability to frame, your linework, depending on the scene your ability to demonstrate action…

    It sounds like you have literally no concept of how animation works at an enterprise level. It often is several different people working on individual scenes that are then stitched together at the end.